
Is American football popular in Europe?

Is American football popular in Europe?

period. NFL Football is not as popular in the European Union due to the diversity of sports that tend to be popular in Europe, specially associated football (that kind of football American people called Soccer).

Is American football growing in UK?

In the UK, football is overwhelmingly the most popular sport around. It is entrenched in British culture and the Premier League in particular is a huge institution. However, in recent years there has been an upward trend for American sports, like American Football. It is one of the country’s fastest growing sports.

Is American football gaining popularity?

American football has risen to become one of the most popular sports in the world, not just in the USA. The NFL alone is estimated to be a $9 billion industry, while college football is thought to be worth around $6 billion. That’s a lot of money, which means there are a ton of people who love the sport.

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What do you think about American football?

Tried it a few times to watch the super bowl but I have never, ever understood the fascination Americans associate with American football. The game is slow. Really slow. A lot of commercial breaks, tactical breaks. You have a set, you stop. The rules are hard to follow, seriously. You have to buy a lot of protective gear to play.

Is American football the funnest sport to watch?

But American football is the most funnest to watch & the lesser boring out of the other sports in the world. The strength & skill that the players have makes it easier to watch.

What is the difference between American football and rugby?

Europeans, and especially the Brits, tend to play Rugby rather than American Football. There are similarities – the shape of the ball, and scoring points by touching the ball at the ends of the pitch (called a ‘try’ in rugby). But rugby seems to have more rules – especially in Rugby League – and is more structured.