
Why should the military service be mandatory?

Why should the military service be mandatory?

Compulsory military service could install discipline and high sense of patriotic fervour in our youth. This offers a structured platform to deliver tertiary education and skills-based learning modules to our youth. As a nation, we have diversity of all societal / economic / political / religious ideologies.

Why should conscription not be allowed?

Conscription not only drills men’s bodies, but their minds. It makes them obedient to authority, whether right or wrong; takes away their power to think originally; makes them expert with guns, and there- fore, eager to use them; and gives them a hatred of independent thought and contempt for human life.

How does mandatory military service violates free will?

Mandating national military service will infringe on an individual’s freedom to choose what they wish to do with their own life. In other words, forcing a person to do something they simply do not want to do is violating their inalienable right to pursue their own happiness.

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How does mandatory military service violate free will?

What does it mean for a country to impose mandatory military service?

It maintains an active military force. Imposing a mandatory military service would mean that a country will have an active reserve of a large body of army that is prepared to respond effectively and quickly to any threat to national security.

What are the pros and cons of mandatory military service?

List of Pros of Mandatory Military Service. 1. Promotes National Unity. Mandatory military service can promote national unity in many ways. First, it allows citizens to learn and train together, creating that shared experience of having served in the military.

Does mandatory military service promote national unity?

Mandatory military service can promote national unity in many ways. First, it allows citizens to learn and train together, creating that shared experience of having served in the military.

Does the United States have compulsory military service?

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The United States does not have compulsory military service; however, it is also included in this list because all males between the ages of 18 and 25 must register with the Selective Service to be drafted if needed. The United States has the highest defense spending budget of any country.