
What happens to acceleration when there is no friction?

What happens to acceleration when there is no friction?

What happens when acceleration is 0? Ignoring friction, if something is moving at constant velocity there is no acceleration. In other words, no force is required to keep it moving. The object is moving without acceleration.

Can there be acceleration without friction?

If no forces are acting upon the skater and he is on a frictionless surface, then that means he has no net acceleration. Presumably the skier has mass, therefore the acceleration must be zero. If an object moves with a velocity and there is no acceleration, then the velocity remains constant.

Can an object move forever without friction?

In a world without friction, the object would continue to slide forever, if not acted on by another force. It states that an object at rest will stay at rest unless acted on by another force, and an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted on by another force.

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Can you keep accelerating forever?

You can accelerate forever, and because of relativity, you will never reach c, so you will in fact have infinite acceleration. In the real universe, this is not possible, because the mass of the universe is finite.

Will an object keep accelerating?

An object only undergoes acceleration as long as there is a force being applied to it. This is Newton’s second law. The only way to keep the object accelerating it forever is if you keep pushing it forever (although you’ll probably run out of energy to sustain the force eventually).

What is an example of friction speed and net force in your life?

The driver plants his foot on the accelerator and with the force applied by the engine, the car starts accelerating. But the faster it goes, the more friction there is. The wind pushes harder against it, the friction in the drivetrain increases. So the net force applied by the engine decreases.

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Is friction always necessary for rolling?

So static friction is infact necessary for a ball to begin rolling. from this the top of the ball will move at speed 2v the centre of mass of the ball will move at v and the bottom edge of the ball will instantaneously be at rest. So as the edge touching the ground is stationary it experiences no friction.

Can you roll without slipping without friction?

The force due to friction doesn’t necessarily act to oppose the motion of the body but acts to oppose slipping or sliding along the contact surface. A body can roll without slipping. Likewise, torques due to friction don’t necessarily oppose the rotation of a body (consider a wheel or pulley being driven by a belt).

What happens to acceleration when force is increased?

The acceleration of an object depends directly upon the net force acting upon the object, and inversely upon the mass of the object. As the force acting upon an object is increased, the acceleration of the object is increased.

Can an object accelerate without friction?

An object will only accelerate as long as a force is making it accelerate. Now without friction an object could have zero force acting on it which would make the acceleration zero. This would make the object move at the same velocity forever.

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How long does an object undergo acceleration?

An object only undergoes acceleration as long as there is a force being applied to it. This is Newton’s second law. The only way to keep the object accelerating it forever is if you keep pushing it forever (although you’ll probably run out of energy to sustain the force eventually).

Does an object with constant net force continue to accelerate?

Yes, an object of mass m subjected to a constant net force F would continue to accelerate acc. Newton’s second law: F = m a Where a is the acceleration, aka the rate of change of velocity v in time.

When does an object stop accelerating when it leaves your hand?

It stops accelerating when it leaves your hand. It will continue moving until it is acted upon by another force. Acceleration is a change in velocity–speed or direction–and requires energy to overcome inertia. according to Newton’s Second law as long as you exert a Force on the body it will keep accelerate .