
Which Enneagram number is most selfish?

Which Enneagram number is most selfish?

Enneagram Two – Selfishness They are the supreme followers of the “Golden Rule” and take selflessness and compassion seriously.

Which Enneagram type is most likely to be a narcissist?

Looking at the common comparison of the Enneagram to the “7 deadly sins” (plus two), 3 is said to be “vanity”, so that is probably the most likely candidate. 2 is said to be “pride”, so that sounds like it might translate to narcissism.

Are type 5s selfish?

In light of their insatiable appetite for time, knowledge, and self-sufficiency, Fives’ essential vice, according to the Enneagram tradition, is avarice or greed. Consequently, Fives’ intimates may at times consider them selfish or neglectful, incapable of turning their attention away from their own pursuits.

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What Enneagram type are narcissists?

When they become manic, everything seems possible for them. By contrast, average Threes are grandiose about their self-worth: narcissistic, exhibitionistic, arrogant and contemptuous of others.

Are Enneagram 8s selfish?

While they may admire the brashness and roguishness of Eights and their apparent ease in going after whatever they want, Ones ultimately begin to draw a line if they see Eights going too far in the pursuit of their self-interest. Ones can begin to regard Eights as selfish, insensitive, aggressive, and morally corrupt.

Which MBTI type attracts narcissists?

People with type A personalities attract narcissists, but a relationship between the two is a recipe for disaster. Narcissists know exactly who to target. Often they go after people with high levels of empathy.

What is the most unique Enneagram type?

What is the rarest Enneagram? According to an Enneagram Population Distribution study, the rarest Enneagram is Type 8: The Challenger. Next comes the Investigator (Type 5), followed by the Helper (Type 2). The most common is the Peacemaker (Type 9).

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Which Enneagram type is least common?

According to an Enneagram Population Distribution study, the rarest Enneagram is Type 8: The Challenger. Next comes the Investigator (Type 5), followed by the Helper (Type 2). The most common is the Peacemaker (Type 9).