What level mutant is Namor?

What level mutant is Namor?

Namor is, at the moment, an Alpha-class mutant. While we think that’s a fair judgment, we definitely believe he has the capacity to become an Omega in the future.

What makes a mutant a mutant?

In American comic books published by Marvel Comics, a mutant is a human being that possesses a genetic trait called the X-gene. It causes the mutant to develop superhuman powers that manifest at puberty. Human mutants are sometimes referred to as a human subspecies Homo sapiens superior, or simply Homo superior.

Why is Namor not blue?

Due to his maternal roots, Namor can breathe underwater, can mimic sea life, use sonar, and has superhuman strength. His ability to breathe on water and land, as well as his pink skin differentiates him from his blue-skinned Atlantean brethren who only breathe water.

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Is Namor an inhuman?

Namor The Sub-Mariner, originally called the first mutant, was recently revealed as a possible Inhuman. Since Marvel Studios has the rights to Namor, but not to mutants, they had to make the transition somehow.

Does Namor the Sub-Mariner predate Aquaman?

Though Namor did come before Aquaman , Aquaman has established a far greater presence within the DC Universe than Namor has had in a long time. This advantage of Aquaman’s has taken him across space and time, presented him with incredible challenges, and given him much more experience all around.

Will Namor ever appear in the MCU?

Namor is someone that Marvel lost the rights to, but never ended up making his way into a big-screen movie. Whether Marvel has regained the rights to the Sub Mariner is questionable, as there have been statements on different sides indicating different things. Regardless, he is one of the most powerful characters never to appear in an MCU movie.

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Is Iron Man a mutant?

Officially code named Iron Man, he prefers the name Steel Corpse. Iron Man was infected by a disease, thought to be of mutant origin, that bonded him permanently to his armor.

Does Marvel own the rights to Namor?

Of the characters listed, Onslaught is the only character that Marvel likely currently retains no rights to whatsoever, as “it” is strictly an X-Men character. Namor is fully owned by Marvel, even though he’s primarily a FF villain (Kevin Feige Confirms Universal Owns ‘Namor’ Rights; Wants More ‘Hulk’ Movies).