
Can ignoring someone backfire?

Can ignoring someone backfire?

“Actively ignoring someone might work in the short term, but it usually backfires, because if there’s mutual interest and chemistry, it will just come across as ‘game-playing’ and manipulation.”

What does ignoring a person do to them?

It can cause emotional trauma. A person who is ignored feels a wide range of confusing emotions. They may feel anger, sadness, frustration, guilt, despair, and loneliness, all at once. Naturally, such emotional confusion can have a damaging effect on your psyche.

What happens to a narcissist when you give him the silent treatment?

Unable to feel being ignored, his inflated ego starts hitting him harder and harder. So, after giving silent treatment for a few weeks, the narcissist will likely come back to you. He may start chasing you so that he can get back his narcissistic supply like before.

Why do narcissists confuse love for abuse?

What many targets of narcissistic abuse confuse for love is actually a manifestation of their fear of abandonment, which has been magnified by frequent silent treatments, as well as the devalue and discard phases carried out by the narcissist in their life.

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When do narcissists feel vulnerable?

As more and more days/weeks pass by, the narcissist starts to feel weaker and weaker. His vulnerability starts to get exposed. This is the final stage, and we can consider this the vulnerable stage. This is the actual time when the narcissist starts to feel the lack of narcissistic supply.

What are the signs of a Narcissistic Man?

In fact, it is not uncommon for a narcissist to demean you or abuse you in front of others and even at the back of you. Also, the narcissist may replace you with another person, just to trigger emotions of jealousy in you. As more and more days pass by, more signs will start to appear. All with the motive to grab your attention at any cost.