
Can I celebrate Christmas as a pagan?

Can I celebrate Christmas as a pagan?

Pagans do not celebrate Christmas, they celebrate Yule. Winter Solstice celebrations occurred in many cultures all over the world. Romans, Celtics, Norse, Druids, in Europe, influenced early Christmas traditions and all celebrated the winter solstice. Pagans in this part of the world were farmers and hunter/gatherers.

What did pagans call Christmas?

Christmas owes its roots to the ancient Roman holiday of Saturnalia, which was a pagan festival which was celebrated from December 17-25 each year.

Can a Christian celebrate Yule?

Yule and Christmas aren’t Christian traditions: they’re pagan traditions that were appropriated by Christianity, as a means of making conversion easier on new followers. The Roman festival of Saturnalia was a pagan festival, held on 25th December, to be celebrated by feasting and gift-giving.

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Is Santa a pagan god?

The modern Santa Claus is a direct descendent of England’s Father Christmas, who was not originally a gift-giver. However, Father Christmas and his other European variations are modern incarnations of old pagan ideas about spirits who traveled the sky in midwinter, Hutton said.

What is the difference between Yule and Christmas?

Yule is an ancient Germanic midwinter festival associated with the god Odin (or Woden). Christmas is the Christian celebration of the birth of Christ.

Who is Santa Based off?

Nicholas: The Real Santa Claus. The legend of Santa Claus can be traced back hundreds of years to a monk named St. Nicholas. It is believed that Nicholas was born sometime around 280 A.D. in Patara, near Myra in modern-day Turkey.

Was Santa a Viking god?

Long before the figure of the modern Santa Claus became the bringer of gifts, Vikings had their own Father Christmas: the ruler of the gods, Odin. According to Norse mythology, Odin would lead the Wild Hunt across the world during the midwinter period, riding on his flying, eight-legged horse Sleipnir.

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Is Wicca a good religion for teens?

As one Wiccan high priestess notes, “Within the circle there are no absolutes — no rights and wrongs.” 7 Since most teens don’t believe in truth or absolute moral standards, Wicca can appear to be the perfect mix ‘n’ match religion. Unfortunately, though these things may sound good, they’re deceptions that lead followers down a path to destruction.

Do Wiccans celebrate Christmas?

Some wiccans may celebrate Christmas but not in the religious way. Wiccans celebrate Yule which is held on the winter solstice. It’s a few days before Christmas.

What do Wiccans believe about the past?

The serene existence was supposedly shattered when male warriors invaded the nurturing female-led communities. 5 Wiccans say that throughout history, they have been fighting to overcome the oppression of a male-ruled society. Today, Wiccans claim there is a goddess revival.

What are the rules of being a Wiccan?

In addition, Wiccans live by one central rule called The Rede, which says, “Harm no one, do what you will.” In other words, witches are free to do whatever seems right to them as long as they avoid harming others. A closely related rule is the Threefold Law, which instructs that “anything you do will come back to you three times over.”

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