Tips and tricks

Does meditation make you feel more alive?

Does meditation make you feel more alive?

1. Restful Sleep. Meditation can help you let go of those circling thoughts that keep you from drifting off at night. You’re also more likely to have deeper, more refreshing sleep, so you’ll wake up feeling energised.

What should not be done while meditating?

Nonetheless, I hope you’ll find these tips useful.

  • Don’t get hijacked.
  • Don’t bring a gun.
  • Don’t expect a particular outcome.
  • Don’t try too hard.
  • Don’t wait until conditions are perfect.
  • Don’t worry if you need to take a break.
  • Don’t give up on yourself.

What happens to your mind after meditation?

After meditation, everything starts to feel so much better. One of the immediate effects of meditation that I personally notice is my quiet mind. All those thoughts that were running through my mind only moment earlier have suddenly subsided and there is quiet and inner-peace. I find that meditation also has the effect of organizing my mind.

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Is it normal to not meditate when you need help?

It is perfectly natural. Mediation is a long-term journey that is healing and nourishing. However, if someone is facing difficulties and seeking help, meditation might not offer the support they are hoping for. It might be that they need to see a therapist to feel heard and understood.

What happens if you practice the wrong Meditation technique?

Practising a wrong meditation technique could be a harmful experience for you; if you try a meditation method for a while, and it still doesn’t feel right, you would need to switch to a different one. The most profound interaction you experience in meditation is the interaction with yourself.

Should I meditate before or after writing a book?

That’s one reason I always meditate before I start blogging or writing one of my books. More than anything though, the biggest difference I notice before and after meditation is that it create a sense of space. Before meditation I feel tight and confined, like I have no freedom.