Tips and tricks

Do I have to list my pronouns?

Do I have to list my pronouns?

There is no singular way to list and share pronouns. Many people say, for example, “she/her/hers” or “she/her” or just “she” and it’s generally understood that this refers to a larger set of pronouns (e.g. that includes “herself”) without having to list every one of those pronouns.

What do you do when you use the wrong pronoun?

  1. Apologize! Apologizing is the best first step.
  2. Correct yourself. Use the person’s pronouns and name correctly right away.
  3. Commit yourself to doing better. Practice using the person’s pronouns correctly.
  4. Keep growing. Growth can be uncomfortable.

What is XE pronoun?

DEFINITIONS1. a gender-neutral subject pronoun that can be used instead of he or she. Xe went to the store to buy some cake.

What does “weird” mean when someone calls you weird?

“Weird” it is a demeaning and hurtful way to tell someone that they “don’t fit in”, that they are “not normal” or don’t “conform to the social norms” or don’t look or appear “normal”. So, this can be about looks, clothes, behaviour, movement, speech, language, social

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Do you take being called weird as a compliment or an insult?

Having an different thinking , having different interests from the rest of the crowd and pursuing them, does not make one weird. It makes the person rare. And rarity is very hard to find! I don’t mind being called weird anytime! For me it’s a compliment! I take it as a compliment. Other than that it doesn’t matter. For me, it’s a compliment!

Is being “weird” a bad thing?

Weird has negative connotations – misfit, strange, odd, quirky. But I take it as a compliment, due to its positive connotations – different, unique, not a crowd-follower. I guess I fear living ordinary and dying ordinary…

What do you do when you use the wrong pronoun for someone?

Everyone slips up from time to time. The best thing to do if you use the wrong pronoun for someone is to say something right away, like “Sorry, I meant (insert pronoun)” If you realize your mistake after the fact, apologize in private and move on.