
Can teachers look at your school email?

Can teachers look at your school email?

That means that yes, your email provider can read your email. If that email provider is your school, by virtue of having an email address based on that school’s internet domain, then yes; the school’s IT department could be looking at what you send and then receive.

Can I keep my student email?

Many colleges will discontinue alumni email addresses a few months after graduation, so it’s best to stay on the safe side and create a new one. Because you are including this information in your application and cover letter, there is no need to keep the student email address.

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What happens to your school email when you graduate?

So when you graduate and the school deletes your account, pretty much nothing will be saved at the school. The only thing that would save would be any emails you sent to teachers, and any assignments you turned in.

Can my school see what I do on my phone?

Your school can see what you do on your phone or laptop Whenever you connect to Wi-Fi on campus with your phone or your laptop, your school knows which websites you’ve visited. And, if the sites are not secured with HTTPS, it can also see what you’ve looked at.

Can a school legally look through your phone?

If you do say yes, you give the school the right to look through your phone, and possibly to use what they find can be used as evidence against you or others. Is your school following the law?

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Can teachers confiscate cell phones in class?

Teachers can temporarily confiscate cell phones when students violate rules about using them in class. But that doesn’t necessarily mean school officials can look at the contents of the devices.

Where can I find the current statutes for Family Educational and privacy?

The current statutes can be found at 20 U.S.C. 1232g – Family educational and privacy rights To learn more about FERPA, please refer to the General Guidance for Parents or Students.

Can schools search students’ cell phones and other electronic devices?

Before school officials can search students or their belongings, they must have a “reasonable suspicion” that the students have broken the law or school rules, and that the search will turn up evidence of that wrongdoing. But what exactly is reasonable? How do search-and-seizure rules apply to students’ phones and other electronic devices?