Why am I still thinking about a toxic ex?

Why am I still thinking about a toxic ex?

Sometimes, people are still thinking about their Ex for months, or even years after the relationship ended because of lingering insecurities or comparisons they’re making — even subconsciously. This is often true when your Ex has moved on before you have.

What does it mean when you constantly think about someone?

What does it mean when you keep thinking about someone? One common thing that makes a person continue thinking about someone from their past is that they have an unresolved or unanswered question that they either have about this person or wish that they could ask this person directly.

Why can’t I get over my toxic ex?

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“Besides trauma bonding, where you only feel alive when abused, your toxic ex may be contacting you too much and destabilizing you. With that, it is impossible to have a sense of closure. Other forms of contact may include obsessing over their lives via friends or social media.”

What does it mean when your ex is a toxic relationship?

Shapiro notes that in a toxic relationship, a person might not only make them feel bad about themselves but also like they actually deserve negative things that happen to them. She also notes that if your ex exploited your insecurities, that’s not only toxic but emotionally abusive.

How do you know if you are in a toxic relationship?

“Plus, a toxic relationship can create anxiety and depression, and symptoms of these mental health issues (such as low mood, low motivation, negative thoughts) make it difficult to recognize toxic relationship patterns.” One way to tell is to think about things that your ex said to you.

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What happens to your body when your ex breaks up?

You actually go into a state of withdrawal when you come out a broken relationship. And since not everything with him in the past was bad, you are particularly vulnerable. So those dopamine spikes you got when things were going well can turn on you when things with your ex starts breaking bad.

How to get over a manipulative ex?

First accept that you are not fully yourself because of the vulnerable state you are in. Cut yourself off completely from this manipulative ex who has brought you so much pain Avoid spending time alone thinking about the good times. Second guessing yourself only leads to stagnation and self doubt