Is it haram for a Muslim woman to marry a non-Muslim?

Is it haram for a Muslim woman to marry a non-Muslim?

Most religious scholars agree that Islam permits Muslim men to marry “women of the book” – Christians or Jews – thus expanding the number of potential partners to choose from. Muslim women, on the other hand, are forbidden to marry a non-Muslim unless her partner converts to Islam, say purists.

Can an American Muslim woman marry anyone she wants?

God wants nothing more for his creation than harmony and happiness. No woman should be denied her right to life, liberty and happiness. No one can push an American Muslim woman to marry anyone other than whom she wants. By marrying someone she can be happy with, her faith remains strong, if not she would a Muslim in name.

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Is interfaith marriage a viable option for Muslim women?

There are not enough Muslim men out there, and interfaith marriage is one of the few viable options, and most women rule out the idea of marrying someone from their home country as it does not work out culturally. Today, nearly 40\% of Muslim women marry outside of their faith and most of them without conversion.

How many Muslim women marry outside of their religion?

Today, nearly 40\% of Muslim women marry outside of their faith and most of them without conversion. Researching the matrimonial sites, out of 1000 Muslim women, only 30\% of them over the age of 50 have listed Islam as their religion, the rest have called them spiritual but not religious, and add that religion is no bar to them.

Is it better to marry who you are compatible with?

There is an advisement to marry with whom you are compatible, and whom you can live in harmony with. It is a relational guidance that a believing bondsman is better than a non-believing man and vice-versa for men. The comparison is for one to understand that the social status is not important, but harmony is.