
How do I make my resume shortlisted on Google?

How do I make my resume shortlisted on Google?

Building a Great Resume

  1. One page only. When you go onto two pages, you add weaker content to your resume, by definition.
  2. Use a real resume format.
  3. List your projects, hackathons, etc.
  4. Keep your bullets short – 1 to 2 lines each.
  5. Focus on accomplishments, not responsibilities.
  6. Quantify your accomplishments.
  7. No summaries.

How do you get shortlisted?

Here’s some tips to secure a place on that all important shortlist: Make it Relevant – highlight relevant work experience and success. If you’ve worked in a completely different role for the past five years, but have highly relevant experience prior to that – call it ‘relevant’ experience and put it up front.

What is the best Google Docs resume template for a resume?

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Minimal and professional, the “Serif” Google Docs resume template is ideal if you want to give your resume a stylish, corporate feel. The large header makes your name stand out improving the chance that your application leaves a lasting impression.

How to shortlist a resume for interview?

If your qualification match with their required qualification they will call you definitely and schedule an interview. The number of pages also plays a vital role in shortlisting of resume. If the CV consists a high number of pages then it looks quite boring and lengthy to read.

Where can I find a resume template?

Google makes it simple to access their default resume templates in Google Drive. You can click this link to go directly to the templates gallery, and browse the full library of templates and Google Docs cover letter templates.

How to make a resume for free in 2020?

In 2020, making a great looking resume is easy — all you need is an internet connection and a Google account. Google’s impressive selection of pre-made resume templates for Google Docs is free and available online for its users. Simply download your favorite template and fill it in.