
What makes a valley a valley?

What makes a valley a valley?

A valley is an elongated low area often running between hills or mountains, which will typically contain a river or stream running from one end to the other. Most valleys are formed by erosion of the land surface by rivers or streams over a very long period of time.

What are 3 facts about valleys?

Fun Facts about Valleys for Kids The faster the water flows, the deeper the valley it makes. Some valleys are steep canyons. Glaciers, which are huge sheets of ice, make even larger valleys. They slowly move down a mountain, often following a valley already created by a river.

Does a valley have water?

Valleys are depressed areas of land–scoured and washed out by the conspiring forces of gravity, water, and ice. Some hang; others are hollow. Mountain valleys, for example, tend to have near-vertical walls and a narrow channel, but out on the plains, the slopes are shallow and the channel is wide.

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What is the description of valley?

1a : an elongate depression of the earth’s surface usually between ranges of hills or mountains. b : an area drained by a river and its tributaries. 2 : a low point or condition. 3a : hollow, depression. b : the place of meeting of two slopes of a roof that form on the plan a reentrant angle.

How is a valley different from a plain?

As nouns the difference between plain and valley is that plain is (rare|poetic) a lamentation or plain can be an expanse of land with relatively low relief while valley is an elongated depression between hills or mountains, often with a river flowing through it.

What is a valley called?

Valleys are elongate depressions of Earth’s surface. Valleys are most commonly drained by rivers and may occur in a relatively flat plain or between ranges of hills or mountains. Those valleys produced by tectonic action are called rift valleys. Very narrow, deep valleys of similar appearance are called gorges.

What is the importance of a valley?

Humans and Valleys Since the beginning of human development, valleys have been an important place for people because of their presence close to rivers. Rivers enabled easier movement and also provided resources like water, good soils, and food such as fish.

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What is a valley in geography for kids?

A valley is a long depression, or ditch, in Earth’s surface. It usually lies between ranges of hills or mountains. Most valleys are formed by rivers that erode, or wear down, soil and rocks. This process takes thousands or millions of years.

What is a valley for kids?

What kind of animals live in a valley?

Animal life is varied, although nocturnal habits conceal many of the animals from visitors to the valley. Rabbits and several types of rodents, including antelope ground squirrels, kangaroo rats, and desert wood rats, are present and are the prey of coyotes, kit foxes, and bobcats.

What are the importance of a valley?

Is a valley a place or thing?

A valley is a low stretch of land between hills , especially one that has a river flowing through it. […] A picturesque place is attractive and interesting , and has no ugly or modern buildings.

Where can you find valleys?

Giant valleys, called rifts, are found where two pieces of Earth’s crust are separated or split apart. One such example is the Great Rift Valley, a rift system stretching from the Middle East to southern Africa.

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Where are valleys located found?

Valley of Geysers (Russia)

  • Danum Valley (Borneo)
  • Jiuzhaigou Valley (China)
  • Barun Valley (Nepal)
  • Valley of Flowers (India)
  • Lauterbrunnen Valley (Switzerland)
  • Valle de la Luna (Chile)
  • Kalalau Valley (United States)
  • Yosemite Valley (United States)
  • Valley of the Ten Peaks (Canada)
  • How do valleys form?

    These geological formations are created by running rivers and shifting glaciers. Valleys are depressed areas of land–scoured and washed out by the conspiring forces of gravity, water, and ice. Some hang; others are hollow. They all take the form of a “U” or “V.”

    What is the definition of V shaped valley?

    V-Shaped Valleys These valleys form in mountainous and/or highland areas with streams in their “youthful” stage. At this stage, streams flow rapidly down steep slopes. An example of a V-shaped valley is the Grand Canyon in the Southwestern United States.