
Can my boss see what I do on WiFi?

Can my boss see what I do on WiFi?

If you’re using a company computer (or wifi connection), your employer can not only monitor your work email and projects, but they can log your key strokes, including on “private” sites like Facebook or your personal email account. So there really is no hiding the sites you’re visiting (or how long you spend on them).

Can my employer see my browsing history?

One of the questions that people often ask concerning background checks is whether an employer can check their browsing history. The short answer to the question is – no. A prospective employer cannot check your private internet history. They can, however, check your public internet history.

Can employer see what YouTube videos I watch?

Short answer: no, your Google Apps admin can NOT see your web search or YouTube history.

Can my boss see what I do on my phone?

Whether the company phone is an iPhone or an Android device, companies can see your internet activity. I will discuss the most common ways that companies are monitoring your internet activity and other phone activity.

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Can my employer access my data if I’m connected to WiFi?

ONLY if your connected to your employers wifi could they receive any data from your device. Have to have a connection to receive your packets from whatever your using. Now they could but not likely have some sort of packet sniffer but highly unlikely due to privacy laws and the technical know how required.

Can my employer see what I am doing on my private network?

Generally the employer should not need to see the traffic on your private network that is not related to your work. It may want to, and there are tools that would allow it to see that traffic – although generally it will If you are on the employer’s device, then your employer can potentially see what you are doing.

Can my employer see what I am browsing on my computer?

It needs to see where you are browsing in order to make that decision, but only needs to see it on that machine. Generally the employer should not need to see the traffic on your private network that is not related to your work.

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Can my employer see what I do on my Google account?

You are using a company Google account, which is recording your search histories. Again, while it might be logged, the reasons they would notice it are listed in #2 , Close follower of ITSEC news. If you are on the employer’s device, then your employer can potentially see what you are doing.