
Is Snape a supporter of Voldemort?

Is Snape a supporter of Voldemort?

He was completely loyal, even told the prophecy he overheard about Voldemort and Harry/Neville to him which set it all in motion. He turned on Voldemort the second Voldemort threatened Lily. He stayed turned when Voldemort promised to spare Lily and killed her.

What deal did Snape make with Voldemort?

Despite Snape killing Dumbledore, it is learned that they had a special agreement for him to do so. When he died, it was revealed that his deep strong love for Lily Evans caused him to redeem himself, joining Dumbledore’s cause for her protection (and, after her death, that of her son) from Lord Voldemort.

Why did Snape give Voldemort about the prophecy?

Snape told Voldemort about the prophecy because he was a proper Death Eater at that time who was looking to gain favor with the Dark Lord. Snape told Voldemort about the prophecy because he was a proper Death Eater at that time who was looking to gain favor with the Dark Lord.

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Who told Voldemort of the prophecy of his downfall?

Harry learns from Professor Trelawney that her interview in the Hog’s Head with Albus Dumbledore – and subsequent prophecy was overheard by Severus Snape. Therefore it was Snape who told Lord Voldemort about the child who would defeat him (HBP25).

Why does Severus Snape hate James Potter so much?

It makes for a perfect portrayal. Severus Snape made it his lifelong duty to protect Harry Potter out of his undying love for his late mother, but projected his hatred of James Potter onto Harry as a way of keeping it a secret.

How long was Snape a Death Eater before Voldemort?

We know that he was a Death Eater for around 3 years before Voldemort fell; Lily and James died at 21 and they were the same age as Snape, so it would have been 3 years since they left Hogwarts. Then after Voldemort came back in book 4, Snape would have been a Death Eater again for around 3 years.

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Does Harry Potter’s scar know Voldemort is there?

Unbeknownst to him, Harry Potter’s scar is sensing the presence of Voldemort whom, as we learn in the film’s climax, is hiding inside the body of Quirinus Quirrell (Ian Hart), who is sitting next to Severus Snape with the back of his head (where Voldemort’s face lies) facing Harry.

Why does Dumbledore tell Snape to kill Dumbledore?

Believing that it would help Snape earn Voldemort’s trust, Dumbledore instructs him to be the one to kill him. Severus Snape’s own reluctance to take Dumbledore’s life is apparent in the moment itself.