
What if I lost original sale deed?

What if I lost original sale deed?

Lodge an FIR: It is true if you lose anything, first go to the police station in your area. Lodge an FIR (first information report) with the police there, giving all the details of the property. In case the police are not able to trace your lost sale deed, they would issue you a non-traceable certificate.

Do I need original title deeds to sell my property?

In short, yes you can sell your house without the deeds, however you must be able to prove through other means that you are the owner of the property. As the deeds are the assortment of documents which usually prove ownership, proving it without them can be a more protracted process, but it is by no means impossible.

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Can we do registration without original documents?

A.NO, a property cannot be registered if original sale deed is not with the owner, but a copy of the deed acquired from the registrar is available and name of the owner is displayed in the Encumbrance certificate.

Can we sell property without original documents?

Misplacing original documents doesn’t mean that you cannot sell or buy a property. While you can settle the deal in such a case, it will require additional paperwork and result in higher costs. When you lose such important documents, the first step is to file a police complaint.

Can I give Xerox copy of sale deed to prospective buyer?

You can give xerox copy of sale deed to the prospective buyer for verification etc. At the time of giving copy , write it down on the sale deed that only for the purpose of verification or for bank loan process of the prospective buyer. Never ever give original paper of sale deed to anyone before full and final payment.

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How to get a copy of a sale deed from SRO?

Get the Duplicate Sale Deed from SRO: You have to pay the prescribed fee meant for this purpose at SRO. Enclose the police FIR document, copies of Ads & Affidavit along with the application for copy of Sale deed. The staff at SRO will verify these documents and issue you a legally certified copy of Sale Deed.

Where can I get a certified copy of my sale deed?

The Registration office has the scanned copy of your Sale Deed with them. But, they will generally not give a certified copy immediately. They will ask you to publish an advertisement in National and regional (local) newspaper about the loss of property documents (Sale deed).

How long does it take to get a sale deed?

The original documents have to be produced within four months from the date of registration of the deed. It is the buyer who pays the stamp duty and the registration charges. The seller needs to clear all payments related to the property such as property tax, cess, water and electricity charges before the sale deed is signed.