
How do I get SaaS beta users?

How do I get SaaS beta users?

A step-by-step guide to finding your first 100 SaaS beta testers

  1. Step 1 for finding beta testers: Use emails effectively.
  2. Step 2 for finding beta testers: Make use of Facebook groups and Reddit.
  3. Step 3 for finding beta testers: Make use of Product Hunt, Betalist, and other beta testing sites.

How do you plan a beta launch?

7 Steps to execute a successful SaaS beta launch

  1. Test your product thoroughly.
  2. Clearly define your product’s UVP.
  3. Decide on the type of beta launch you want.
  4. Build a beta launch dream team.
  5. Onboard your beta users.
  6. Get feedback and implement it.
  7. Let the world know.

How do you find beta customers?

How to get beta users for your startup

  1. Grab beta testers through landing pages. One of the best ways to attract beta testers for your product is through a landing page.
  2. Visit startup listing websites.
  3. Search for influencers to spread the word.
  4. Double the number of beta testers with a referral program.
  5. Cold call/email.
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How do you beta test a product?

20 Important Tips for Beta Testing Your Product or Service

  1. Observe them live.
  2. Give participants choices.
  3. Provide proper disclaimers.
  4. Look for people who aren’t product evangelists.
  5. Follow up with your testers.
  6. Use heat maps.
  7. Aim for statistical significance.
  8. Set a realistic timetable.

Where can I find beta testers in 2021?

In this case, you will need to put the extra effort in otherways.

  1. Send an application to different Beta testing sites.
  2. List your product on Product Hunt.
  3. Ask your local news media for collaboration.
  4. Find Facebook groups your target audience uses.
  5. Check out Reddit threads.

What comes after beta launch?

The product version that has passed beta testing is called beta release. After the beta phase comes gamma testing.

Are beta testers free?

Sometimes a product or service is so niche or specialized that it can only be tested by experts in a certain field. In these cases, the cost of those testers’ expertise might be free access to the beta testing process. That can often lead to valuable insight that will only come free of charge.

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What comes before beta testing?

Before discussing different types and approaches to beta testing, it’s essential to differentiate it from alpha testing. Alpha testing is the testing phase that precedes the beta test phase. Unlike the beta version, the alpha version is usually less stable and might have a limited feature set.

Can you get paid to be a beta tester?

Get Paid to Perform Beta Testing The goal is to launch a quality product that will be well-received by the general public. You can help these designers and developers by becoming a paid beta tester for test IO. test IO provides quality assurance testing as a service through crowdtesting.

How can I get beta testers for free?

Top 10 websites to find beta testers for your app Submit your startup on beta platforms like,,, etc. Post on Reddit. The guys from Blue Label Labs got their first 1,000 users from Reddit and wrote an article about it.

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of SaaS?

SaaS platforms are highly easy to use and their foundations and base are fairly simple, which may be an advantage to some, as it makes it workable for newcomers, it is often turned into a disadvantage for people who want more, and find out that there is a lack of customization available.

What percentage of online stores use SaaS based ecommerce platforms?

About almost 40\% of all the online stores SaaS based eCommerce platforms, and about 90\% of the stores use some form of eCommerce Software as a Service. This may be for multiple reasons, such as:

What is Magento eCommerce SaaS platform?

Magento eCommerce SaaS Platform: Magento is an eCommerce platform that is highly preferred by many businesses and store owners. It has great features, and also has a community of multiple developers, giving a variety of options from themes and different plugins to choose from, according to your business type.