What should I do if my son is an abusive son?

What should I do if my son is an abusive son?

Because he is no longer a child, you both need to shift perspective and re- evaluate your mother/son relationship. Again, he’s adult, not a teen. You need to accept that he must address his issues himself, because, although he is hurting, he is also being highly abusive.

How can I Help my Son with his bad behavior?

You can’t control his behavior. Just set boundaries around his relationship with you. That is the best you can do. Meanwhile, every time you think of your son, picture him in your mind’s eye healing and waking up to the good person he is inside. If you are oriented to prayer, pray for him.

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What to do if your son is breaking the law?

Inform the police. Your son is breaking the law every time he physically assaults someone in your family. You may think you’re protecting him by not reporting his violence, but what you’re actually doing is this: You’re sending him the message that his behavior is acceptable.

What is the best way to deal with verbally abusive parents?

Verbally abusive parents convey that the child is bad, stupid, and worse. Looking the child in the eyes and explaining that you see the child as a good child, and/or one who is actually smart, can make a huge difference to that child’s self-image.

How did my son deal with the loss of his parents?

By you emotionally withdrawing and becoming ‘robotic’ at this tragic time, your son may well have felt scared and alone, feeling that he had lost both his parents,” says Hiller. “It sounds as if he has learned how to deal with his loss by emotionally withdrawing, pushing back his feelings, until now when they have started to resurface.

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How do I get my child to stop yelling at me?

Make sure your child understands your physical and emotional boundaries. You may need to clearly state: “It’s not okay to yell or push or hit me.” If you’ve said this to your child in the past, but allowed her to cross those boundaries in the past without consequence, she’s gotten mixed messages.

What should I do if my son loses his temper?

However, when your son does lose his temper, your safety (and that of others present) is paramount, so remove yourselves from the situation or call for help. If he becomes violent, you may have to consider calling the police.

How do you deal with a narcissistic adult child?

I’ve never seen parents be able to purchase respect and civility from these narcissistic adult children. There’s no hope down that path. Stop meddling and enabling them. These adult children will remain predators as long as you feed them. The only path with hope is to stop giving them anything, to demand civil behavior or to cut off contact.

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Are your children becoming abusive when they become adults?

If you’re an older adult, one of your greatest desires is likely to have strong and healthy relationships with your children and grandchildren. Therefore, it can be absolutely heartbreaking when the children you raised and cared for start to become abusive when they’re adults.

How do you deal with adult children who are predators?

There’s no hope down that path. Stop meddling and enabling them. These adult children will remain predators as long as you feed them. The only path with hope is to stop giving them anything, to demand civil behavior or to cut off contact. Don’t debate or argue about who’s right.