
Who is stronger Darkseid or one above all?

Who is stronger Darkseid or one above all?

The one above all would one shot soulfire Darkseid with ease. He is not comparable to the one above all but he is comparable to beings lower than him.

Can the celestials beat Darkseid?

2 Can Beat: A Celestial The Celestials have been traveling the Marvel Universe for eons, experimenting with the lifeforms there. They are also very powerful, able to destroy a world with nary a thought. As powerful as Celestials are, they aren’t gods and that would their downfall against Darkseid.

Can Darkseid be defeated by the Beyonder?

However, Beyonder is above the Marvel Multiverse, so powerful that even the Living Tribunal couldn’t judge him. So Darkseid gets obliterated by Beyonder. However, Beyonder gets obliterated by Presence simply because the Presence is on a certain level of omnipotence that is above Beyonder.

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What is Darkseid’s true form?

I begin immediately by saying that Darkseid is the embodiment of evil in the form of a quantum field. This means that he does not have a form, and even when he is told that he is the True Darkseid it is actually only Semi True Darkseid, or an enhanced clone.

Who can beat the one above all and presence?

The One Above All (Marvel/Pre-Retcon beyonder ) Cannot be surpassed, only matched. Doesn’t need to be a True Omnipotent to be this strong. But anyone, not True-Infinity and below cannot beat it. The Presence (DC/JM De Matteis Interpretation) Cannot be surpassed, only matched.

Is beybeyonder more powerful than SPECTRE?

Beyonder is vastly more powerful than Spectre. Spectre is a near omnipotent mystical entity but PR Beyonder is infinitely greater on raw power. I’ve made the argument that PRB is even more powerful than TOAA, because TOAA is the God of the Marvel Multiverse and Beyonder is many millions of times greater in mass and energy than the whole of that.