
How do you integrate Razorpay in ReactJS?

How do you integrate Razorpay in ReactJS?

Preparing Backend

  1. Create a new folder named lco-payment-backend and open folder in terminal.
  2. Run npm init -y and open onto VSCode.
  3. Create a new file index.js.
  4. Install dependencies. npm install body-parser cors express nodemon razorpay shortid.
  5. Prepare the imports.

How does Razorpay integrate with node js?

Integration Steps

  1. Install the Razorpay NodeJS SDK.
  2. Instantiate Razorpay.
  3. Integrate Orders API on Server.
  4. Add Checkout Options.
  5. Store Fields in Server.
  6. Verify Payment Signature.

How do you implement payment gateway in react JS?

Steps to integrate stripe payment gateway in React

  1. Create a stripe account.
  2. Collect the API keys.
  3. Create a react application.
  4. Install npm dependency.
  5. Design a checkout page.
  6. Create a checkout form using stripe package.
  7. Submit payment method to server.

How do I add a payment gateway in node JS?

Steps to run the program:

  1. The project structure will look like this:
  2. Make sure you have ‘view engine’ like I have used “ejs” and also install express, body-parser, and stripe using the following commands: npm install ejs npm install express npm install body-parser npm install stripe.
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How do I add Razorpay to my website?

Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Sign up with Razorpay and click on ‘Payment Button’ on the left navigation bar.
  2. Click on ‘Create Payment Button’ option on the left side of the screen that appears.
  3. Choose the Button template from the options available.
  4. Add the ‘Button Details’ as per your requirement.

How do you integrate Razorpay in HTML with payment gateway?

To get started:

  1. Sign up for a Razorpay account.
  2. Log into the Razorpay Dashboard and generate API keys in test mode.
  3. Start accepting payments by integrating your website or app with our SDKs and plugins.
  4. Enable payment methods from the Razorpay Dashboard.

What is Webhook in Razorpay?

Webhooks (Web Callback, HTTP Push API or Reverse API) is one way one web application can send information to another application in real-time when a specific event happens. Example. If you have subscribed to the order. paid webhook event, you will receive a notification every time a user pays you for an order.

How do you integrate Razorpay payment gateway in react native?

Steps to integrate Razorpay React Native SDK for Android.

  1. Install Razorpay React Native SDK.
  2. Import Razorpay Package in
  3. Add Razorpay SDK in Settings Gradle File.
  4. Add Dependency in App Build Gradle File.
  5. Run React Native App.
  6. Create an Order in Server.
  7. Add Razorpay Checkout Options to .js File.
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How do I integrate with Google pay?

Google Pay for Business quick start guide

  1. Set up Google Pay for Business.
  2. Step 1: Sign up for Google Pay for Business.
  3. Step 2: Verify your bank account.
  4. Step 3: Google Pay reviews your sign-up.
  5. Step 4: Integrate Google Pay to your technical platform.
  6. Step 5: Test and start using Google Pay.

Can I use Razorpay on multiple websites?

If you want to accept payments from multiple websites, contact our support team to register additional websites for your account. If you are unsure about integrating with Razorpay Gateway, you can use Payment Buttons. Using this you can embed a Payment Button on your website by adding a couple of lines of code.

How do I integrate payment on my website?

How to Choose and Integrate Payment Gateway: Online Payments, Transaction Processing, and Payment Gateways Providers

  1. Study the pricing.
  2. Check transaction limits for a given provider.
  3. Examine merchant account options.
  4. Make sure the gateway supports necessary payment methods and credit cards.
  5. Consider mobile payments.

How do I integrate razorpay with NodeJS?

Create a Razorpay account. Generate API Keys from the Razorpay Dashboard. You can use the Test Keys for a sandbox experience. No money will be deducted from your account when making test payments. Please use the Live Keys when going live with the application. Install the Razorpay NodeJS SDK. Instantiate Razorpay. Integrate Orders API on Server.

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Is it possible to integrate razorpay in an application using ReactJS?

Is it possible to integrate Razorpay in an application using reactjs (front end) and Java 8 (backend). On razorpay website they do not have documents to integrate with react js applications.

How to integrate razorpay with your website?

Run the following checklist before you begin the integration: Create a Razorpay Account. Generate API Keys in Test Mode. Once you are done with the integration, you can generate Live Mode API keys and replace them in the integration. Check if view port meta tag is added in the tag of your webpage HTML code.

How to generate the API key for a razorpayclient?

JAVA RazorpayClient razorpayClient = new RazorpayClient (“key_id”, “key_secret”); Log into your Dashboard with appropriate credentials. Select the mode (Test or Live) for which you want to generate the API key. Note: You have to generate separate API Keys for the test and live modes. No real money is used in test mode.