
Is Django Unchained worth watching?

Is Django Unchained worth watching?

In general, this is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a long time — a compelling original story with great acting and visuals. Having said that, I didn’t think it was as good as Pulp Fiction, Inglourious Basterds, or either of the Kill Bill movies. All of those movies had stories that were more interesting.

Is Django the best movie ever?

Django Unchained remains his best work. Although there are a few movies that could contest this claim, Django Unchained is still the best movie Quentin Tarantino has ever directed. Released on Christmas Day in 2012, it was the 7th movie in the Tarantino universe, preceding Inglourious Basterds.

Is Django Unchained overrated?

In its particular genre undoubtedly its a classic and not overrated at all. But if we evaluate it on overall appeal factor, than its not. Movies like “Shashwank Redemption” is a perfect example for Cinematic excellence at all aspects. No genre boundaries or any sub classification defines its popularity.

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How many stars did Django get?

Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times gave the film four stars out of four and said: “The film offers one sensational sequence after another, all set around these two intriguing characters who seem opposites but share pragmatic, financial and personal issues.” Ebert also added, “had I not been prevented from seeing it …

Why did Dr King Schultz help Django?

This might also be the reason why Schultz keep helping Django to free his wife from slavery. Schultz despised slavery and hated the sight of slaves being treated poorly and also killed. At some point in his life, Schultz was married. His wife supposedly died of an unknown cause.

What is so great about Quentin Tarantino?

As one of the most triumphant American filmmakers, Quentin Tarantino made his début in the early 1990’s. He has become known for his unusual and sinister criminal films, his signature aesthetic of violence, and long sequences of dialogue where characters observe the most routine situation or object in extensive detail.

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Was Django a real person?

The real-life Django: The legendary African-American Wild West marshal who arrested 3,000 outlaws and killed 14 men. Bass Reeves was born a slave in 1838 and later broke from his owner to live among Native Americans. Reeves became a Deputy U.S. Marshal in 1875 at the age of 38.

Who are the characters in Django?

Django (ジャンゴ Jango) is the main character of the Boktai series and the ‘Solar Boy’. He wields Gun Del Sol (Spanglish for ‘Gun of the Sun’), and is accompanied by Otenko. He is the son of the vampire hunter Ringo (who is not seen until the second game) and the moon beauty Mani.

Was Django real?

The Real Django: This is the actual man on which the movie D’Jango is loosely based. His name is Dangerfield Newby , and he was a member of the John Brown party . He joined to save his wife and children, Harriet .