
Why is biochemistry so difficult?

Why is biochemistry so difficult?

Biochemistry is hard, because it assumes you know a lot of relatively knew knowledge. Take math for example. When you take calculus, it assumes you know algebra and some trig. You have been taking algebra and trig for years, so it’s old topics with new applications and twists.

Is biochemistry harder than biology?

Biology, being much broader in its topics of study, is more versatile as a degree imo and doesn’t lock you into only one type of work. Both are hard, but ngl biochemistry is a lot harder and people have cried tears of joy for passing with a C.

Is being a biochemist hard?

Becoming a biochemist takes a lot of hard work and long years of formal education and training, but with effort and dedication you can become a biochemist even if you didn’t start planning for a career in biochemistry in high school.

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Is biochemistry or chemistry harder?

Actually both are difficult subjects. But to me Organic is harder to learn. Biochemistry is difficult as well. But I found it more interesting than Organic chemistry, we can understand life and its compositions and can share some interesting things to laypersons.

Is physics harder than biochemistry?

In terms of getting a true grasp of the subject matter, physics is infinitely more difficult.

Why is biochemistry so hard to learn?

Biochemistry is hard, because it assumes you know a lot of relatively knew knowledge. Take math for example. When you take calculus, it assumes you know algebra and some trig.

What is the difference between Biochem and biochemistry?

Biochem uses organic chemistry, a class you take in college. Hell you might take biochem right after it. Biochem uses cellular and molecular biology. A class you also take in college. Biochem uses physics, a class you take in college.

Can I do biochemistry If I Bombed organic chemistry?

If you bombed organic chemistry totally or haven’t taken it that will not hinder you in biochemistry one bit. Most biochemists don’t understand organic chemistry at all. It’s not necessary. You do not run biochemistry reactions. Only the body can do that.