Tips and tricks

What happened to Osho?

What happened to Osho?

The first is the extraordinary secrecy around Osho at the time of his death. This was followed by his speedy cremation, and then came the elaborate, almost minute-to-minute official account of his death as presented by Amrito through a statement that he read out.

Did Osho give instructions to Jayesh and Amrito before his death?

Immediately after Osho’s death, Jayesh, as Chairman of the Inner Circle, and Amrito, as his deputy, took complete control over the Osho Commune, its trusts and properties. They took extraordinary decisions and exercised their authority over everyone in the Commune by claiming that Osho had given the two of them a set of instructions before dying.

What did Osho ask Swami Jayesh to do?

Osho then asked for [Swami] Jayesh and left him his dream to be fulfilled. He named Anando as his “medium” through whom he would communicate after death and issue guidance to the Commune. He gave elaborate instructions for his Samadhi to be beautified with marble.

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Who is Osho’s medium?

The 1995 annual issue of 0sho Times, an official publication of the Osho Commune, published an interview with Anando which proved to be revealing on two counts: the approximate time of Osho’s death and the anointing of Anando as Osho’s “medium”—the person through whom Osho would communicate with his followers after his death.

Is Osho a good or a bad teacher?

Osho still has a following even today. Some of his teachings and techniques are actually quite good and may be of benefit to some people. But I’d contend that he is a bad teacher. Osho’s teachings contain many elements of truth but they’re contaminated by ego.

Why Dr Gokani was not allowed to go near Osho?

Dr Gokani’s own statement is enough for any sannyasin to understand that he was not worthy of going near Osho in those moments. If he had been permitted, he would have cried even more noisily and thus caused pain to Osho who has been teaching his whole life to celebrate death.