
What percentage of the world knows Mandarin?

What percentage of the world knows Mandarin?

Ethnologue (2019, 22nd edition)

Rank Language Percentage of world pop. (March 2019)
1 Mandarin Chinese 11.922\%
2 Spanish 5.994\%
3 English 4.922\%
4 Hindi (sanskritised Hindustani) 4.429\%

What is the most not known language?

Dumi is the world’s least spoken language and one of the rarest.

What is the least learned language?

What Are the World’s Least Spoken Languages

  • Taushiro (Peru) Taushiro, also known as Pinche or Pinchi, is a very nearly extinct language from the Peruvian Amazon near Ecuador.
  • Tanema (Solomon Islands)
  • Lemerig (Vanuatu)
  • Njerep (Nigeria)
  • Ongota (Ethiopia)
  • Experienced, Efficient And Free For Students.

Is Mandarin the most widely spoken language in the world?

Mandarin is not the most widely spoken language in the world. It is the language with the most speakers, which is not the same thing. American football is played a lot—by millions of people, almost exclusively in the USA.

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What is the most common language in the world?

Mandarin is by far the most common as far as I know.What is the most widely spoken language in the world?Mandarin is the language with the most native speakers, but Englishis the most widely spoken language in the world. English is the most widely spoken language. Currently, the most widely used languages natively are 1.

Why ismandarin so hard to learn?

Mandarin is “nonsense” to the ears because you have to group staccato sounds for comprehension—it is processor intensive compared to English. Without being immersed in an exclusive Mandarin-speaking environment, it is practically impossible to speak or read fluent Mandarin.

How many people in the world speak Chinese?

And all of the previous means that it is spoken by over 1 billion people. It is far more than even English. English is interesting because it is spoken by many more foreigners than Chinese, and of course many of Chinese people speak English as well, its lag is the number of native speakers. This is just below 400 million.