Tips and tricks

Are You letting yourself get lost in your relationship?

Are You letting yourself get lost in your relationship?

Losing yourself is like throwing your own oxygen mask out the window and then trying to share your partner’s mask. Letting yourself get lost in your relationship is claustrophobic, toxic for both of you and impossible long term. If you see yourself in this, it’s time to make a change.

Is it normal to have no close friends at all?

Know that it’s completely normal to not have friends. It’s not weird, and it’s even common: 1 in 5 have no close friends. Imagine that every fifth person you meet on your next walk has no close friends. Visualizing this can help us feel less weird and alien: You’re never alone feeling lonely.

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Is it bad to have no friends in your whole life?

If you’ve just recently come to the realization that “I have no friends”, or if it’s something you’ve felt your whole life, this guide is for you. Not having friends can make anyone feel “cursed” – like people have made up their mind about you before you even meet.

Do you have a stay-at-home-mom identity crisis?

Many women a mother arrive on my blog because they googled “I’ve lost my identity after being a mom.” It can happen, here are some of the major causes of a stay-at-home-mom identity crisis . I was riding along in the car the other day listening to the radio when a song came on from high school.

What to do when you feel so lost in life?

Most online life coaches agree that a good first step for what to do when you feel so lost in life is to make a timeline of your life. Not only is it fun, but it is extremely beneficial. List your past achievements, your regrets, and moments that stick out as momentous, both positive and negative.

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What to do when you have lost touch with an old friend?

Reach out to an old friend that you have lost touch with. Give them a call rather than sending them a text or a message on social media. Try and meet up with them for some coffee, lunch, or a drink. This is especially beneficial if it’s a friend from back when you felt that you knew yourself.

How to find yourself when you have lost direction in life?

Recognize that you became lost, that you let yourself stray from your true self, and accept it. It happened, it’s done, and it is time to get over it. There is no way to find yourself and realign your perspective without accepting that you lost direction in life and that finding yourself is essential.