
What is the indirect speech of he says I am ill?

What is the indirect speech of he says I am ill?

He says that he is ill – is the indirect form of the sentence.

How do I change the form of my narration?

When we convert the speech of a speaker from direct to indirect without changing the meaning is called narration change. Narration is of two kinds. Direct Speech: Using the same speech of a speaker in the quotation is called direct speech….

Direct Indirect
Says Says
Say to tell
Said Said
Said to told

How do you convert direct narration to indirect narration?

Rules to change Direct Speech into Indirect Speech: The tenses of the verbs inside the quotation marks and commas should be changed. For Example: Direct Speech: Raj said, ‘I have to be in the meeting by 3:00 p.m.’ Indirect Speech: Raj said that he would have to be in the meeting by 3:00 p.m.

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What tense does ‘I’ change in inidirect reported speech?

‘I’ will change, as per the subject of reporting part, into ‘she’. Tense in inidirect reported speech will not change as verb in reporting part is in present tense. So we get: She says that she is ill. She says that she is I’ll.

How do you use indindirect speech?

Indirect speech is reporting what the person said without quoting him (or her). With direct speech, what the person said is put in quotation marks. So your sentence in direct speech would be this: He said, “I’m ill.” The sentence above works as long as the person wasn’t referring to some time previous to his saying this.

What is the direct speech version of “I was ill”?

But if he was — if he was talking about some time previous to your conversation with him — then the direct-speech version would be this: He said, “I was ill.” He said he had been ill. He said he was ill. 8 clever moves when you have $1,000 in the bank.

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What is the tense of ‘I am ill she says’?

Reported speech: I am ill. ‘She says’ will remain as such. As the reported speech is a statement, conjunction ‘that’ will be used to connect the indirect reported speech. ‘I’ will change, as per the subject of reporting part, into ‘she’. Tense in inidirect reported speech will not change as verb in reporting part is in present tense.