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What was the greatest ancient civilization?

What was the greatest ancient civilization?

Ancient Rome: Perhaps the greatest civilization on earth, the Roman Civilization that began with Emperor Augustus Caesar, was a technologically and aesthetically advanced civilization that contributed a lot to the present world too.

Is Greece the most influential civilization?

Ancient Greece is the most influential civilizations in the world. They created everything what we believe in today and what we do today. Language, typography, philosophy, architecture, history, science, geography to astronomy, art, beauty and much more.

How did ancient Greece flourish?

Ancient Greek civilization flourished from the period following Mycenaean civilization, which ended about 1200 BCE, to the death of Alexander the Great, in 323 BCE. By that time, Greek cultural influence had spread around the Mediterranean and, through Alexander the Great’s campaign of conquest, as far afield as India.

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Why are Greeks considered the most advanced civilization in the world?

Chinese, Indian (Indus Valley), Sumeru (Middle East) , Persians to name few. It is due to western obsession with Greek and Romans during renaissance (15th and 16th Century AD), where they looked for inspiration and glory that Greeks are portrayed as most advanced civilization in some quarters.

Are the pyramids the most advanced civilization in the world?

Simply no!!! There were several civilizations much more advanced than Greeks much before Greek even knew what is civilization. Pyramids were standing there on the face of earth much before that. There were several other civilizations in Asia much before what is known as ancient history of Greeks.

What was the most advanced technology in ancient Athens?

The Athenians certainly advanced architecture and had a very “advanced” navy for the time. Other things are also interesting technologically. The aeolipile, otherwise known as “Hero’s engine” (because it was described by Hero of Alexandria), was essentially a primitive steam engine.

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Did the ancient Greeks have advanced science?

Greeks did not only have advanced science, but created the notion of science altogether; reason and proof were just unknown to mankind before maybe 600 BC. Some like to compare a civilisation’s mightiness by some inventions or by some structures.