
What does push off the edge means?

What does push off the edge means?

1. To cause one to commit to doing something they had been considering or close to doing for a long time. I tried to remain silent about my father’s associations with the extremist group, but the events over the weekend have pushed me over the edge. 2. To cause one to suffer a mental breakdown.

What does it mean to push something off?

push (someone or something) off (of) (someone, something, or oneself) To shove someone or something so that they move off of or away from someone, something, or oneself.

What does it mean to be on the edge of something?

Definition of on the edge of : very close to (something) a species on the edge of extinction The company was teetering on the edge of disaster/bankruptcy. He was on the edge of saying something when the phone rang.

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What do you call the edge of something?

the part farthest from the middle; line where something begins or ends; border, or part nearest the border; margin. 5. the verge or brink, as of a condition.

What does edge off mean?

: to make (something) weaker or less severe a medication that takes the edge off the pain A glass of milk will take the edge off your hunger/appetite.

What does it mean to push someone over the top?

[US] in a competition or contest, if something pushes someone over the top, it results in them winning. The advertising campaign pushed the company over the top, allowing them to replace their rivals as the number-one soft drink in supermarkets.

What does pushed out mean?

/pʊʃ/ to make someone leave a job or stop being involved in an activity by being unpleasant or unfair to them: I felt I was being pushed out of the job.

What does pushing someone off mean?

used to rudely tell someone to go away: He told me to push off.

How do you use edge in a sentence?

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(1) He’s on edge today. (2) After the bomb, my nerves were on edge. (3) Paul felt on edge about meeting Lisa. (4) That DJ’s voice really sets my teeth on edge.

What does it mean to keep someone on edge?

To make one (especially a member of an audience) feel very excited, nervous, or filled with suspense while they wait to find out what happens next. Often said of a movie or TV show. It’s not going to win any Oscars, but the film certainly kept us on the edge of our seats the entire time!

What is to edge someone?

“Edging” involves sexual stimulation to the point just before orgasm before stopping or slowing down again. People may repeat this cycle several times before allowing themselves to reach orgasm. Edging is unlikely to cause any health issues. Individuals, couples, or groups might practice edging.

How do you get the edge off?

27 Simple Ways To Take The Edge Off Of A Stressful Day

  1. Sip hot tea.
  2. Call an old friend.
  3. Pet your cat or dog.
  4. Brush your hair.
  5. Take a walk.
  6. Fold the laundry.
  7. Paint your nails.
  8. Enjoy a candy sucker.

What does it mean to push someone over the edge?

push (one) over the edge 1. To cause one to commit to doing something they had been considering or close to doing for a long time. I tried to remain silent about my father’s associations with the extremist group, but the events over the weekend have pushed me over the edge.

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What is the meaning of the word pushed?

1. To exert pressure or force against something: winds pushing against the sail. 2. To advance despite difficulty or opposition; press forward: The regiment pushed toward the front line. 3. To advocate or recommend something insistently: pushed for a change in leadership.

What does it mean to push something aside?

1. a. To apply pressure against (something), especially for the purpose of moving it: pushed the door but couldn’t budge it. b. To move (something) by exerting force against it; thrust or shove: pushed the crate aside.

How do you use push in a sentence?

To move (something) by exerting force against it; thrust or shove: pushed the crate aside. To exert downward pressure on (a button or keyboard, for example); press. To force (one’s way): We pushed our way through the crowd. To urge forward or urge insistently; pressure: pushed him to study harder.