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Was Martha Jones a good companion?

Was Martha Jones a good companion?

Martha Jones was an awesome companion of the Tenth Doctor. In fact, she was the best he ever had. After the tragic departure of Rose at the end of season two, The Doctor wasn’t really in the market for a new companion.

Did Martha Jones love the doctor?

Dr Martha Smith-Jones (née Jones) was a British physician and a companion of the Tenth Doctor. Unlike other companions, she not only became infatuated with the Doctor but also declared her feelings to him.

Why does the doctor not love Martha?

Point number one, I’m usually told, is that Martha was too “clingy” to Tennant’s Doctor. She hated the fact she was a rebound from Rose, and she was bummed he didn’t feel the same way about her as she did for him. Her noted line from Family of Blood was, “You had to go and fall in love with a human… and it wasn’t me”.

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How did the doctor feel about Martha?

For fans of The Tenth Doctor, some of his behavior was difficult to watch. His relationship with Martha just didn’t make any sense. Yes, the writers wanted him to go through a grieving period, and yes, he couldn’t just leap into another companionship. But he strung her along, and at points, she let him.

How old is Martha Jones?

The character is a 23-year-old medical student from 2008, although earlier in the conception process she had been meant to come from the year 1914.

What is the doctor’s name in Gallifreyan?

Theta Sigma
The Doctor’s name is… Theta Sigma – or ΘΣ, if you’re feeling flash – was the nickname given to the Doctor at the Time Lord Academy on Gallifrey, according to Drax, a student contemporary from “the class of ’92” who the Fourth Doctor bumped into again during The Armageddon Factor.

What was on Donna’s back?

Rose switches on a light which reveals what is on Donna’s back: a “Time Beetle”. Donna is horrified and begs Rose to get it off her.

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Did Torchwood get Cancelled?

The audio adventure publisher Big Finish (via io9) announced that the upcoming series Torchwood: Absent Friends, which would have starred Barrowman and Tennant, has been cancelled.

What did Bad Wolf mean in Dr Who?

The “Bad Wolf” was an entity that Rose Tyler briefly became after staring into the heart of the Doctor’s TARDIS and directly into the Time Vortex. The Bad Wolf scattered her name throughout time as a sign to herself that she was linked to the Ninth Doctor, creating a looped ontological paradox.