
How many Yugoslavs live in Sweden?

How many Yugoslavs live in Sweden?

Demographics. The Swedish census data includes country of birth, but does not include ethnicity, descendants or naturalized people, thus, the total number of ethnic Serbs in Sweden is hard to define. Various estimations include: 80,000; 110,000; 120,000; and 140,000.

How many Bosnians are in Sweden?


Total population
Turkey 112,000
Sweden 90,498
Montenegro 53,605
Switzerland 46,773

Where did yugoslav refugees go?

Repatriation Very few refugees repatriated to Croatia or Bosnia from Yugoslavia during the year. Since the Dayton Agreement was signed (December 1995) through the end of 1997, only 1,115 refugees from Yugoslavia were registered as repatriating to Croatia and 987 to Bosnia.

How many Serbs are in Sweden?


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Country Official data
Sweden 83,735 (2016) Serbian-born (excl. Kosovo) Swedish citizens. 6,409 (2013) Serbian citizens, residents.
France 116,793 (2011) Serbian ancestry
Italy 39,937 (2017) “Foreign citizens” from Serbia (excl. Kosovo)
Slovenia 7,784 (2013) Serbian citizens, residents.

What is racial makeup Sweden?

Sweden Demographics Profile

Population 10,261,767 (July 2021 est.)
Ethnic groups Swedish 80.3\%, Syrian 1.9\%, Iraqi 1.4\%, Finnish 1.4\%, other 15\% (2020 est.) note: data represent the population by country of birth; the indigenous Sami people are estimated to number between 20,000 and 40,000

What language do Bosnians speak?

Bosnia and Herzegovina/Official languages

What was the population of Yugoslavia in 1971?

The 1971 census recorded 273,077 Yugoslav, or 1.33\% of the total population. The 1981 census recorded 1,216,463 or 5.4\% Yugoslavs.

Are there different ethnicities in Yugoslavia?

Yugoslavs. In the early days of Yugoslavia, influential intellectuals Jovan Cvijić and Vladimir Dvorniković advocated that Yugoslavs, as a Yugoslav supra-ethnic nation, had “many tribal ethnicities, such as Croats, Serbs, and others within it.

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Who were the original citizens of Yugoslavia?

The state was created as the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, a constitutional monarchy under the Karađorđević dynasty. The term “Yugoslavs” was used to refer to all of its inhabitants, but particularly to those of South Slavic ethnicity.

Why are there quotation marks around the word Yugoslavia?

The quotation marks were originally meant to distinguish Yugoslav ethnicity from Yugoslav citizenship – which was written without quotation marks. The majority of those who had once identified as ethnic “Yugoslavs” reverted to or adopted traditional ethnic and national identities.