
What do you mean by well conditioned and ill conditioned triangle?

What do you mean by well conditioned and ill conditioned triangle?

A well conditioned triangle has angle not less than 30 and not more than 120 respectively. Jka said: (Jul 5, 2020) Well conditioned triangle:all angles >30 & <120. Ill conditioned triangle: any one angle <30 or >120.

What is a well conditioned triangle in surveying?

Explanation: In chain surveying, A triangle is said to be well-conditioned if it can be plotted accurately by the intersection of arcs from the end of baseline. If not possible to have an equilateral triangle, it must ensure that no angle is less than 30º and greater than 120º.

Which of the following triangle is ill conditioned and should be avoided in triangulation surveys?

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Civil Engineering (CE) Question A triangle is said to be ill condition when angle is less than 30° and more than 120°. So, triangle S is ill conditioned. For well conditioned of triangulation two angle should not be almost equal. So, ill-condition S and Q or S and R.

What is the meaning of well conditioned?

Definition of well-conditioned 1 : characterized by proper disposition, morals, or behavior. 2 : having a good physical condition : sound.

What is meant by Trilateration?

trilateration, method of surveying in which the lengths of the sides of a triangle are measured, usually by electronic means, and, from this information, angles are computed.

Why it is necessary to use a well conditioned triangle?

Well-conditioned triangles are preferred because their apex points are very sharp and can be located by a single ‘dot’. There are no possibility of relative displacement of the plotted point. A triangle in which an angle is less than 30° or more than 120° is said to be ill-conditioned (Fig. 7.

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What is triangulation and Trilateration?

Triangulation is process of measuring bearings and calculating distances (using the Sine Rule). Trilateration is the process of measuring distances and calculating bearings (using the Cosine Rule).

Why is it necessary to use well conditioned triangles?

What is Chain Survey recommended?

Chain surveying is recommended when: The ground surface is more or less level. A small area is to be surveyed. A small-scale map is to be prepared and.

What is another word for good condition?

What is another word for in good condition?

healthy fit
well in good health
in good shape hale and hearty
in fine fettle strong
robust vigorous