
Can a 28 year old sleep with an 18 year old?

Can a 28 year old sleep with an 18 year old?

Under California law, a person must be at least 18 years of age in order legally to have sex with another person to whom he or she is not married. Having sex with a person under the legal age of consent will subject a person to criminal liability.

Is it wrong to sleep with 18 year old?

The Age of Consent in California is 18 Consent refers to the legal ability to willingly agree to do something. In California, the age of consent is 18. That means that anyone under the age of 18 cannot legally consent to have sex. That’s true, even if both parties involved want to have sex.

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Is it OK to date an 18 year old?

As mentioned above, a minor’s consent to sexual contact is irrelevant in the eyes of the law in California (in many other states, the age of consent is younger). “Dating” can certainly imply sexual contact, which is illegal between a fifteen-year-old and an eighteen-year-old.

Is it wrong for a 17 year old to date a 23 year old?

A: It’s legal for anyone to “date” anyone else. The law is not concerned with dating, but is concerned with sex. It is technically legal for a 22 year old to have a sexual relationship with a 17 year old; however, it still not a good idea.

Is 28 years old too old to date?

For a 28 year old, this makes your age range 21 – 42. From what I have seen, this tends to work well, because as you age, your available pool of people it is acceptable to date expands. Honestly though, as long as you are both legal and happy, who cares what anyone else says/thinks?

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Can a 40 year old woman date a 27 year old?

In other words, while the rule states that 40-year-old women can feel comfortable dating 27-year-old men, this does not reflect the social preferences and standards of women. Women in their 40s think that approximately 35 or older is acceptable for marriage or a relationship.

What is a good age range to date?

For a 28 year old, this makes your age range 21 – 42. From what I have seen, this tends to work well, because as you age, your available pool of people it is acceptable to date expands. Honestly though, as long as you are both legal and happy, who cares what anyone else says/thinks? What’s the knockdown die on a dwarf? sylvanir posted…

Is the age difference of 22 and 28 years bad?

When the age difference is starting to hit the double digits you may want to reconsider, but I think that 22 and 28 is not bad at all. Just make sure that neither of you holds the other back from promotions, education, or anything really. A relationship is about building eachother up. There are 2 types of age: mental and physical.

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