
Why would a guy tell me another girl is hot?

Why would a guy tell me another girl is hot?

To sum up, when a guy talks about another girl to you, it could mean: He’s trying to show you he’s in demand. He’s trying to show you what he’s like in a relationship. He’s thoughtless.

Why does my boyfriend always talk about his friends?

The study found that one of the main reasons your boyfriend feels closer to his friends is that he feels less judged by his friends than he does by you, making him more inclined to talk to them about his more embarrassing interests than he would be to tell you. I feel like I have to be more manly around her.”

Why does my boyfriend mention other girls to me?

IF he’s a past cheater, feels weak, doesn’t think he’s good enough or capable of loving just one woman at a time then there’s a good chance he’s mentioning these other girls to: One – Put it out there so he “feels” strong enough to not stray. Two – Assure you or erase any doubt that you’re the only one for him.

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Is it wrong to ask my boyfriend if his friend is attractive?

If your boyfriend had any sense or respect for you, he’d keep his opinions on your friend’s attractiveness to himself. There is no need for you to know. Now, if you’ve asked him, “Do you find my friend attractive,” you have opened that can of worms yourself. I’ll assume you have not asked him. Is it wrong? Legally & morally speaking, no.

Is it okay to tell my boyfriend that his friend is hot?

However, depending on the kind of relationship you have, say, you too can tell him that his friend is hot and it wouldn’t be an issue to him because your relationship is that strong and leveled, and you just consider these things as fun to talk about, then I guess it’s okay. Should I hire remote software developers from

Why would a guy tell you about other girls who want him?

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In conclusion… going through the list or reasons quicker about why a guy would tell you about other girls who want him. If he’s the jealous type – he’s probably insecure, scared, or has a history of choosing women that will cheat on him.