
Is the water grammatically correct?

Is the water grammatically correct?

‘Water’ is usually singular (and in fact a mass noun). However, sometimes it can be used as a plural (and therefore a count noun). People used to “take the waters” at a spa. The “waters of the Atlantic and the Mediterranean meet at Gibraltar”.

How do you use water in a sentence?

Water sentence example

  1. The water felt delightful.
  2. She heard the gurgling water before the creek came into view.
  3. On the way across the open water , they saw several dolphins.
  4. Bonus points are given for resiliency, low water requirements, and appearance.
  5. Where does all the rain water go?

How do you use water as a verb?

  1. 1[transitive] water something to pour water on plants, etc.
  2. 2[intransitive] (of the eyes) to become full of tears The smoke made my eyes water.
  3. [intransitive] (of the mouth) to produce saliva The smells from the kitchen made our mouths water.
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How do you use water as an adjective?


  1. ​of or like water; containing a lot of water. a watery fluid. His eyes were red and watery.
  2. ​weak and/or pale. a watery sun. His eyes were a watery blue.
  3. ​(of food, drink, etc.) containing too much water; thin and having no taste. The vegetables were watery and tasteless.

What is plural for water?

In general, water is used as an uncountable noun, which means that it does not change to a plural form. Now, peas and stones are countable nouns, so they can take both singular and plural forms, but as water is an uncountable noun it doesn’t alter, so we have one glass of water or two glasses of water.

How can I use the word in a sentence?

What sentence example

  1. What time is it? 844. 262.
  2. What is an earthquake? 494. 242.
  3. What time are we going to leave tomorrow? 439. 204.
  4. What was that supposed to mean? 289. 124.
  5. What could he do about it but lose more sleep? 317. 170.
  6. What did she eat today? 150.
  7. That’s what I say. 122.
  8. What in the world is this? 135.
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What is water in simple words?

water, a substance composed of the chemical elements hydrogen and oxygen and existing in gaseous, liquid, and solid states. It is one of the most plentiful and essential of compounds. A tasteless and odourless liquid at room temperature, it has the important ability to dissolve many other substances.

Which sentence uses water as a noun?

Sentence using the given word ‘water’ as a noun is : One should drink eight glasses of water every day. ‘Water’ (noun) means the clear colourless and tasteless liquid that is necessary for the survival of living beings.

Which part of speech is water?


part of speech: noun
related words: bath, fluid, moisture, wet
phrase: by water
part of speech: verb
inflections: waters, watering, watered

How to check if a sentence is grammatically correct?

If you want to save your time and find out is this sentence grammatically correct, you can use the online grammatically correct sentence checker to help yourself. There are reliable tools that can be your guide and help.

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How do you know if a paper is grammatically correct?

Flow: If your paper has a good flow, it is grammatically correct. A paper that is full of mistakes is hard to understand and don’t flow smoothly but when your paper flows smoothly, don’t worry because it is correct. Asking yourself: One of the ways in checking for grammar if its correct is to ask yourself.

What are the rules for writing two or more sentences?

Two or more complete sentences must be separated with a period and written as separate thoughts. The subject and verb in the sentence must be either both plural or both singular. Otherwise, it would be the wrong subject-verb agreement.

What are the essential punctuation marks for a grammar free paper?

Keep in mind that a full stop is the essential punctuation mark. You need to know where you will put them and what makes a correct sentence. You can say that you have an error grammar free paper when you place the punctuation marks correctly.