
What is the minimum salary of ACCA?

What is the minimum salary of ACCA?

An individual with ACCA qualification can earn an average salary of up to INR 8 lac p.a. The payscale generally ranges between INR 4 lac p.a. To INR 15 lac p.a. It could go higher too, depending upon candidate’s skills, company’s demands, competition, etc.

Can I pass ACCA in 2 years?

The ACCA can be completed in two years, however the candidate requires relevant experience to offset at least one year of work experience (PER). Most candidates take anywhere between 2.5 to 3 years to complete their coursework ( to give more attention to modules).

Can I do CA along with ACCA?

Initially, you can begin with the CA, finish until IPCC and then simultaneously take up the ACCA course. After your ACCA professional, you can take up the CA final and for both the qualification, three years of work experience can be counted and you are there at your final leap.

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What is the salary of ACCA in Dubai?

If you are an ACCA qualified accountant with 2 years of experience, then you can expect a salary of 10,000 AED per month. This salary is equivalent to 1,75,000 INR in India per month. Working as a finance manager, you will earn at least 20,000 AED.

Can I work in USA with ACCA?

Though ACCA is recognised in most countries, unfortunately, their qualifications are not recognised in the US, and there is no reciprocal agreement that will entitle someone who has ACCA qualifications to automatically qualify for licensed CPA status.

What can you do with an ACCA qualification?

By studying the ACCA subjects for all exams, you enable yourself to become an extremely valuable and desirable financial professional. With this qualification, you can work within several areas of the finance sector including:

Is it possible to do ACCA after ca?

So it is really nice if you can go for ACCA after CA as definitely it is a superior course. It totally depends on how you approach the examination and which field you want to excel. If you want to go in Practice then only CA is sufficient but if you focus on big 4, ACCA will come handy there.

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How many papers do I need to complete ACCA?

Begin with CA and complete up to the IPCC examinations. You will have approximately 2 years of work experience (articleship) before you begin studying full-time for Final CA. This will entitle you to 5 papers (6 if you are also a graduate) of ACCA.

Can I start my own business after ACCA qualification?

Immediately after your qualification, or post some experience gained, you can start your own business in any field fascinating you. ACCA knowledge and experience would help in many, and unexpected, ways. Study further. You could opt for a Masters program or something that could further your career.