
Is Quora available in other languages?

Is Quora available in other languages?

Together with English, French, German, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, and Spanish, Quora is now available in 17 languages.

How do I change the language on Quora?

Originally Answered: How can I switch the language of Quora? If you look at the top right hand corner of your screen (next to the small circle that shows your picture) you will see a globe. Click on that and you will be able to add a language. This is also where you go to change languages once you have added them.

How do I switch Quora to English?

How to change language in Quora app?

  1. Open Quora app on your smartphone device.
  2. Tap on your profile pic that appears on the top-left corner of the app screen.
  3. Look below and tap on the three hollow dots on the bottom right corner.
  4. Four options will appear such as “Languages,” “About,” “Help,” and “Logout.”
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What languages is Quora available in?

Quora is available in a couple of languages, the main site is English, other sites are German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Tamil etc.

When did Quora become available to the public?

Quora first became available to the public on June 21, 2010, and was praised for its interface and for the quality of the answers written by its users, many of whom were recognized as experts in their fields.

Can Quora users see what questions you look at?

Quora allows users to create user profiles with visible real names, photos, site use statistics, etc., which users can set to private. In August 2012, blogger Ivan Kirigin pointed out that acquaintances and followers could see his activity, including which questions he had looked at.

What is Quora’s policy on real names?

Real name policy. Quora requires users to register with the complete form of their real names rather than an Internet pseudonym (screen name); although verification of names is not required, false names can be reported by the community. This was done with the ostensible intent of adding credibility to answers.