
How do I study for the music theory exam?

How do I study for the music theory exam?

Top 10 Tips for Acing Your Music Theory Exam

  1. Teach Someone Else.
  2. Study Little but Often.
  3. Double Check, then Check Again.
  4. Highlight Keywords and Symbols.
  5. Do Lots of Past Papers.
  6. Use Mnenomics.
  7. Arm Yourself Properly.
  8. Look After Yourself.

What order should I learn music theory?

The best way to learn theory is to study the concepts in their natural order.

  1. Notes and pitches – obviously you already know these.
  2. Scales and modes. I understand you’ve already undertaken major and minor scales.
  3. Key. Understand how a key signature relates to a scale, and vice versa.
  4. Intervals.
  5. Chords.
  6. Diatonic Harmony.

Is it hard to study music theory?

Music theory is difficult to grasp because it uses visual methods to describe what we hear. That’s a big problem for music theorists because our brains interpret music hundreds of times faster than it takes to explain it. This is why music is powerful.

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How can I learn music theory at home?

The 5 Best Sites to Learn the Basics of Music Theory

  1. Ableton’s Interactive “Learning Music” Course. If you know nothing about music theory, this is the place to start.
  2. LightNote, the Most Gorgeous Site to Learn Music.
  3. Michael New’s YouTube Lessons.
  4. The Basics of Reading Sheet Music.
  5. Music Theory’s Lessons and Exercises.

Is Grade 5 music theory hard?

Yes, Grade 5 theory is tricky for many, but it has so many benefits for those wanting to go beyond Grade 5 level that it really shouldn’t be ignored. Music theory is bascially learning how to write music down or the ‘study of how music works’.

What is the most basic music theory?

The most basic chords are triads. A triad is a chord made of three notes. Triads have a root note, a third (four semitones above the root), and a perfect fifth (seven semitones above the root). Triads are also the foundation for more complex chords.

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What should I memorize in music theory?

Learn to hear and sing intervals, then 3 and 4 note chords, then chords with extensions, scales, chord progressions; these are the building blocks of composition or improvisation. Doing exercises on paper and then not hearing them on the piano is not absolutely pointless but it is not very smart.