
What does parcel is still in transit mean AliExpress?

What does parcel is still in transit mean AliExpress?

It happens that the package is stuck in transit longer than we had expected. When your shipment is in transit, it means the courier company picked the parcel up and your shipment is on its way to the delivery address. The package stays in transit until the driver/postman delivers it.

What do I do if my package is stuck in transit?

What To Do If Your USPS Shipment Is Stuck In Transit

  1. Contact The Recipient Immediately. Being proactive is the best remedy to the blowback that results from package delays.
  2. Contact Your Local Post Office.
  3. Submit a Search Query Online.
  4. Follow Up.
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How long does a package stay in transit?

It depends on which shipping service you purchased. For example, USPS Retail Ground shipping is expected to take 2 to 8 days, so seeing an in transit status for more than a week is normal, especially if you live in a remote location or your package is in transit during busy holiday shipping seasons.

Can AliExpress refund money?

Returns & Refund is a guarantee provided by sellers for every product they sell on You will then be able to request a full refund and return the item, or keep the item and agree a partial refund with seller. Scope of Guarantee. All products on have the Returns & Refund guarantee.

Why is my AliExpress order closed?

The seller has agreed on your cancellation request. You can submit order cancellation request before the seller ships your order, if the seller does not respond in 72 hours, the order will be automatically closed. Refund will be sent to your account within 20 working days.

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What to do if your AliExpress order is completed but not delivered?

Avoid the situation when the order is completed, but not delivered. Aliexpress protection is lost in this case. The seller can either agree to extend the protection or decline your request. In this case, you will have to open a dispute. Do it before the protection expires, as you need at least 10 days for the dispute to be considered and settled.

Why is AliExpress asking me to cancel a dispute?

It’s time to build, innovate and grow your brand with a platform that’s ready for anything. They’re trying to get you to cancel the dispute so that their reputation is not hurt. Ali Sellers get penalized severely for losing disputes. Avoiding a dispute, even by shipping out a free product, is worth it for this seller.

Is there a tracking system for AliExpress?

Yes, there is a tracking system if you use the AliExpress Standard Shipping option. If you want to track your order, you must go to the AliExpress website, log in, and then check your order status. One problem with the AliExpress Standard Shipping is that not all shipments have a tracking number.

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How much does AliExpress standard shipping cost and is it worth it?

Typically, AliExpress Standard Shipping would cost between $2 and $3. The delivery time can take 15 to 20 days, but it can take up to 60 days depending on the location. Can You Track Orders Using Standard Shipping? Yes, there is a tracking system if you use the AliExpress Standard Shipping option.