What are the things that must be kept in mind while uploading handwriting answers?

What are the things that must be kept in mind while uploading handwriting answers?

Handwritten / Image Based

  • You may write your answer on a plain. sheet of paper, click a pic, and upload it.
  • as an image.
  • • Contain step-by-step solution to the.
  • • Be properly formatted.
  • • Be clear, focused, and properly.
  • • Be taken on a white and clear.
  • Note: When you submit.
  • you must TYPE a 3-4 lines summary of.

What are the things that must be keep in the mind while uploading and handwritten answer chegg?

Handwritten / Image Based

  • You may write your answer on a plain. sheet of paper, click a pic, and upload it.
  • as an image. Answers should:
  • • Contain step-by-step solution to the.
  • • Be properly formatted.
  • • Be clear, focused, and properly.
  • • Be taken on a white and clear.
  • Note: When you submit.
  • you must TYPE a 3-4 line summary of.
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What are the things that must be kept in mind while uploading Android?

Here is the important points which you should consider before uploading the app on the play store.

  • First and foremost you should have developer’s account.
  • Find your local are where you want to launch your app.
  • Follow the quality guidelines.
  • Build final APK.
  • Plan your application’s play store listing.

How do I make my own answers?

Here are a few tips on how to make your answer great:

  1. Pay it forward. Saying “thanks” is appreciated, but it doesn’t answer the question.
  2. Have the same problem?
  3. Answer the question.
  4. Provide context for links.
  5. Write to the best of your ability.
  6. Answer well-asked questions.
  7. Always be polite and have fun.

What are characteristics of good questions?

What The Characteristics Of A Good Question Are

  1. Relevant. A good question is relevant.
  2. Clear. A good question is framed in a clear, easily understandable language, without any vagueness.
  3. Concise. A good question is usually crisp and concise.
  4. Purposeful.
  5. Guiding But Not Leading.
  6. Stimulates Thinking.
  7. Single-Dimensional.