
Which country is most similar to Sweden?

Which country is most similar to Sweden?

Countries Most Similar To Sweden

Rank Country Score
1 Norway 85.2
2 Finland 84.6
3 Denmark 82.5
4 Germany 79.5

What are countries like Sweden called?

Scandinavia, historically Scandia, part of northern Europe, generally held to consist of the two countries of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Norway and Sweden, with the addition of Denmark.

Does Sweden have Culture?

The Culture of Sweden has long been known for the accomplishments of a wide variety of artists. Prehistoric Sweden was the source of Norse culture, dominant in all of Scandinavia for hundreds of years, and the Temple at Uppsala in Sweden was a site of pilgrimage for Scandinavian peoples takla the Aesir.

What do Germany and Sweden have in common?

Germany and Sweden have few things in common, but many things are as different as Greenland from Egypt. Language: Both languages are nordic origin (originaly even used almost the same script) But German language got mixed up with Latin words and grammar. Ethnic origin: Both are basically Germanic origin.

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What are the similarities between Norway and the UK?

Norway, Sweden and Finland are like the North-Eastern states (Maine, Vermont, etc). Low population density, smaller industrial infrastructure. More reliance on local natural resources (fisheries, mining, etc…) The UK is like New York and D.C..

What are some examples of differences between European and American culture?

Examples for differences/different attitudes: cars, global warming, the value of science, religion/secularization, gun laws, health care, welfare/social state, the law system, tipping culture, how many cultures one knows and has contact with, education……. I could go on for a while. Note that the European Americans are very different from Europeans.