
Is it correct to say kindly please?

Is it correct to say kindly please?

Usually, you would not need to use both of these in the same sentence. Please and kindly are both used to be more polite to other people. Having them together would only make sense if you really wanted to emphasize how important it was to be polite.

Where do you use please and kindly?

‘Please’ is used when directly speaking to the person(verbally). ‘Kindly’ is used whilte writing letters etc.

How do you use kindly in an email?

“Kindly” I rarely see this word in formal emails. If you are still using this word, it is best you stop. It is old-fashioned and seemingly antiquated. It is better you use “please” rather than “kindly.”

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What is the problem with kindly asking?

The problem with to kindly ask (apart from the split infinitive, which is cumbersome) is that it says that you are being kind when asking: you are asking kindly. It’s usual to ask for someone else to be kind and do something. I would like to ask [you] could you kindly check……?

When to use please kindly in a conversation?

Kindly: To express your feelings or requests in a kind and warm-hearted manner. Kindly fill out this form. Now that we know they are both used for positive vibe and polite conversation, it’s time to see whether we can use please and kindly both together to make our conversation even more polite.

Is it usual to ask someone to be kind to you?

It’s usual to ask for someone else to be kind and do something. I would like to ask [you] could you kindly check……? However, “I would like to ask” is meaningless, because you are asking. “I would like to ask” is more usefully followed by “but I won’t”.

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What is the difference between please and kindly?

Please: Used in polite questions and requests (adverb). Please close the door. Kindly: To express your feelings or requests in a kind and warm-hearted manner. Kindly fill out this form.