
What does it mean when your toenail turns black and blue?

What does it mean when your toenail turns black and blue?

Subungual hematoma is bruising under the nail bed, which can have a bluish-purple color. When you experience trauma to your toe, such as stubbing it or dropping something heavy on it, small blood vessels can bleed underneath the nail. This can result in discoloration.

Why are my toes black after running?

Runner’s toe happens when your toenail turns black from the stress of running. When your toe repeatedly rubs on or slams into your shoe, it can cause stress to your nail. This leads to bleeding under your nail, which starts to look black.

How do you get rid of black toenails from running?

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Here’s how to reduce your chances of getting a black toenail

  1. Try silicone toe pads. They may help absorb some of the pressure from running.
  2. Find a running shoe that fits.
  3. Keep your toenails cut short.
  4. Tie your laces properly.
  5. Wear good socks.

Why do athletes toe nails turn black?

Toenails turn black when blood collects and settles under the nail because of repeated trauma from friction, rubbing, or contact. Most commonly, running-related black toenails appear slowly over time, but can also develop suddenly after a race or training run.

How do you treat black and blue toenails?

Over-the-counter ointments, creams, and polishes are usually effective. Severe cases may require a prescription antifungal treatment. If a black toenail is caused by an injury, the resulting spot from broken blood vessels will disappear once your nail grows out.

How long does it take for a black and blue toenail to heal?

The discolored nail will eventually grow out — or in some cases it may fall off or need to be removed — and be replaced by a new, healthy one. This could take anywhere from about eight weeks for a fingernail to six months for a toenail.

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How long does runners toe take to heal?

What is this? This doesn’t happen right away, usually occurring over the span of a few weeks up to six months. This can be a long time to wait, but the pain should subside in no more than a couple of days.

How long do black toes take to heal?

It will take between 6 to 9 months to go back to normal.

How do you treat black toenails at home?

Vinegar is an antifungal ingredient that can be mixed with water to create a foot soak. It’s acetic acid component helps to whiten discolored toenails and stop the spread of the infection to other toes. Try two parts vinegar to one part warm water and soak feet for 20 minutes daily.

How long do bruised toenail take to heal?

What does it mean when your toenails turn black and blue?

Black-and-Blue Toenails: Black-and-blue toenails are the result of trauma or injury to the skin tissues in the nail bed or clotted blood under the toenail. The blood and fluid accumulated underneath the toenail after the bruise is somewhat translucent and appear in black or blue color.

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What does it mean when you have blood under your toenail?

Conditions, Remedies. A bruised toenail happens when a toenail is hurt internally. A bruise under the toenail is also known as “subungual hematoma” which means blood under the toenail. It is not a serious health concern; however, the nail can fall off or become dead if not well cared soon.

What happens if you leave a black toenail untreated?

Toenail fungus that’s left untreated can spread throughout your feet and other parts of your body. It can also cause permanent nail damage. Complications can also arise from melanoma in the toenail that’s mistaken for trauma-induced black toenail.

What does it mean when your toenail is bruised?

A bruised toenail happens when a toenail is hurt internally. A bruise under the toenail is also known as “ subungual hematoma ” which means blood under the toenail. It is not a serious health concern; however, the nail can fall off or become dead if not well cared soon.