
How long does it take to raise a turkey for slaughter?

How long does it take to raise a turkey for slaughter?

Modern production methods have shortened the time it takes for turkeys to reach maturity. A hen usually takes 14 weeks and weighs 15.5 pounds when processed, but a tom takes roughly 18 weeks to reach a market weight of 38 pounds.

How long does it take for a turkey to grow to eating size?

Modern meat birds are bred to be ready for slaughter at 14 to 18 weeks depending on the size you want. But heritage birds take double that time to reach slaughtering size, 24 to 28 weeks. And if not slaughtered can live and naturally reproduce for up to 7 years or more.

How long does it take to grow a 20 pound turkey?

A turkey egg incubates for 28 days and then the chick is placed into a grow-out facility where it grows to slaughter weight. Hens take about 12 to 14 weeks to reach a live weight of 15 to 20 pounds, which will dress out at a 12- to 16-pound whole turkey.

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At what age do you slaughter turkeys?

At 5 to 6 months old, turkeys are sent to the slaughterhouse. In the wild, they can live to be 10 years old.

How much does a turkey eat per day?

FEED turkeys daily by broadcasting food at a rate of 2 large handfuls (or 1/2 cup) per turkey per day. To ensure a good distribution of food among flock members, spread it out so that all birds have an opportunity to feed. FEED turkeys until the flock ceases daily visitation or until severe conditions moderate.

When should I start raising Thanksgiving turkeys?

Most turkey breeds will mature between 14-22 weeks of age, which means you will need to purchase birds early in July to make sure they have enough time to grow. Heritage breeds will take a bit longer, 25-30 weeks, so those birds would need to be purchased in late May or early June.

When can turkey poults go outside?

around 6-7 weeks
Most often poults will be fully feathered and will be ready to move into their outdoor housing around 6-7 weeks of age. But until they are fully feathered they need to be kept in a draft-free, temperature-controlled brooder space protected from predators and supplied with fresh food and water.

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Why turkeys should not be eaten?

Experts warn that a virulent new strain of bird flu could spread to humans. Cooking a turkey can adequately kill bacteria and viruses, but even a little of what makes you ill can lurk on cutting boards and utensils and thus spread to hands or foods that won’t be cooked.

What can turkeys not eat?

Processed Human Food: Processed foods, especially those that are greasy, salty, or sweet, should be avoided. These foods are not healthy for turkeys. Our junk food is also junk food for them. Too much salt, sugar, or fat can cause health problems.