
Who is the greatest villain in the Flash?

Who is the greatest villain in the Flash?

1 Reverse-Flash The Reverse-Flash is one of The Flash’s best villains in the Arrowverse and in the comics. He got his powers of superspeed by recreating the accident that gave Barry his but unlike most speedsters who are connected to the speed force, Thawne has a connection to the Negative Speed Force which he created.

Is Barry Allen a villain?

The Future Flash explains his motives. Barry… The Future Flash is a villain from the DC Comics and is the main antagonist of the Out of Time storyline.

Is flash a superhero or villain?

The Flash (Bartholomew Henry “Barry” Allen) is a superhero appearing in a series of American comic books published by DC Comics. The character first appeared in Showcase #4 (October 1956), created by writer Robert Kanigher and penciler Carmine Infantino.

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Who is the final villain in the Flash?

Professor Eobard Thawne, also known as the Reverse-Flash and Dr. Harrison Wells, is the central antagonist of the Crisis Saga of the Arrowverse.

Who was the Flash’s first villain?

Eobard Thawne

Alter ego Eobard Thawne
Species Metahuman
Team affiliations Secret Society of Super Villains Injustice League Legion of Doom The Rogues The Acolytes of Zoom Legion of Zoom Suicide Squad
Notable aliases Professor Zoom Zoom Black Flash Adrian Zoom Barry Allen Dr. Harrison Wells

Who is Flash’s arch nemesis?

The first and most well-known character to assume the “Reverse-Flash” mantle, Thawne is the archnemesis of Barry Allen (the second superhero to be called the Flash), a descendant of Malcolm Thawne, and a forefather of Bart Allen, Thaddeus Thawne, and Owen Mercer.

Who is the strongest arrow villain?

While not having immortality or a legion of assassins at his disposal, Slade Wilson/Deathstroke was certainly one of Arrow’s physically strongest villains. As he trained Oliver Queen on Lian Yu, fans saw that Slade was already a skilled fighter even before taking the Mirakuru serum, which gave him enhanced strength.

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Who is trajectory in the Flash Season 2?

Eliza Harmon, also known as Trajectory, is a minor antagonist in the second season of The Flash. She was a scientist at Mercury Labs who grew schizophrenic due to her frequent use of Velocity 9.

Is Wally West the most important Flash in DC Comics?

While that may be how he comes off in the CW show, fans of the comics know that Wally West has a legitimate claim to being the most important Flash in DC Comics. After Barry Allen perished, Wally West took over the mantle of the Flash for the next two decades in the comics.

Is the Thinker the most difficult villain on ‘the Flash’?

The Flash may have faced his most challenging villain yet this last season when he faced off against Clifford DeVoe/The Thinker, but when it comes to bad guys on The CW ‘s DC Comics inspired series being the most challenging may not make you the best.

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Is Team Flash a villain?

Every season, Team Flash deals with adversaries or challenges that aren’t quite villains.