
What does it mean to milk something for all its worth?

What does it mean to milk something for all its worth?

Meaning: To take full advantage of a situation or condition. Examples: It’s his birthday today, and he’s milking it for all it’s worth: He’s having a party at work, another party with his family at home, and afterwards he’s going out with his friends.

What does it mean when someone is milking something?

To try to get as much of something from someone else, especially sympathy, kindness, respect, etc. They found a little bit of celebrity when their book was published a couple years ago, and they’ve been milking it ever since.

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What does it mean to milk a situation?

If someone milks someone or something for something, they try to get an advantage or something valuable from them, often in an unfair way. They want to capture the market share now and milk it for profits later. He had everyone’s attention now and he milked the situation for as much drama as he could get away with.

Where did the saying milk it come from?

Originally in the performing arts: to exploit (a scene, situation, line, etc.) for fullest effect; to elicit a favourable or appreciative reaction from (an audience) and contrive to prolong it as long as possible. Also in extended use.

What is it called to milk a cow?

Milking is the act of removing milk from the mammary glands of cattle, water buffalo, humans, goats, sheep, and, more rarely, camels, horses and donkeys. Milking may be done by hand or by machine, and requires the animal to be currently or recently pregnant.

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What does milking the cow mean?

(ˈmɪlkɪŋ) the act of removing or extracting milk from the udders or mammary glands of an animal such as a cow, goat, or sheep.

What is the meaning of milking the cow?

What does it mean to milk it for all it’s worth?

Meaning: To take full advantage of a situation or condition. It’s his birthday today, and he’s milking it for all it’s worth: He’s having a party at work, another party with his family at home, and afterwards he’s going out with his friends.

What is the meaning of the expression ‘milking it’?

Therefore, like many expressions it has been modified over the years and has now more to do with man’s greed, rather than originally intended, more to do with God’s blessing. The phrase ‘milking it’ comes from the old legal term ‘mulct’, a financial penalty or contract signing fee (fine).

What does it mean to milk a cow to excess?

You get a bit more milk for a lot more work, so if you’re really “milking” that cow, you’re doing it to excess, with marginal benefit. Even outside of the phrase “to milk something for all it’s worth,” the verb “to milk” has long had the sense of to exploit. dates this usage to the 1520s.

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What does it mean to milk an animal?

According to the OED, “milking” can refer to The manipulation of funds for (esp. unscrupulous or illicit) financial gain; (more generally) exploitation of resources. Similarly, given what the physical act of milking some animal is like, it makes sense to think about “milking it” as “getting as much as possible out of a resource.”.