How long does it take Facebook to respond to an appeal?

How long does it take Facebook to respond to an appeal?

A person has a period of 15 days from the time Facebook or Instagram sends an update about its final content policy decision to submit an appeal to the board. When the board selects a case to review, it will typically make its decision within 90 days.

How long does Facebook unpublish a page?

How to delete or unpublish a Facebook page on your desktop or mobile device. You can completely remove your Facebook page at Facebook.com or on the Pages app. When you delete your business page from Facebook it’s held for 14 days before it is removed. During this time you can choose to reinstate your page.

What happens if you disagree with a Facebook decision?

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If you disagree with a content decision Meta has made on the Facebook app or Instagram, you can appeal the decision to the Oversight Board. After going through Meta’s appeals process, you’ll be issued an Oversight Board reference number, which you can use to submit your case to the board for review.

Why did Facebook unpublish my page?

Why would my Facebook Page get taken down or have limits placed on it? Sometimes, we take down or place limits on Pages if they don’t follow our Community Standards. For example, Pages that publish spam may be unpublished, or the Like button may be disabled on Pages that we determine deceptively get likes.

How can I submit an appeal to Facebook?

Go to your Support Inbox and click Reports about others.

  1. Open the update we sent you about our decision.
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions which will take you to the Oversight Board website to complete your appeal.
  3. On the Oversight Board website, you’ll see options to log in with a Facebook or Instagram account.
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How do you get put in FB jail?

What is Facebook Jail? Facebook Jail is the term used when Facebook suspends accounts (profile or business page) for breaking the Facebook Community Standards. Facebook will suspend an account’s ability to post or to use specific features for a while due to violations, suspicious logins, or spammy behavior.

How long does a Facebook review take?

within 24 hours
Overview. Before ads show up on Facebook, they’re reviewed to make sure they meet our Advertising Policies. Typically most ads are reviewed within 24 hours, although in some cases it may take longer.

How long does it take for Facebook to republish a page?

4. Check your Page After 72 Hour. Once you have gone through the above procedure, it will be republished within 72 hours of appeal if Facebook team finds it liable to be republished. So keep on checking after regular intervals.

How long does it take to get a Facebook account back?

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If you submit your government id, it will usually take a few days. If you waited for a few days, you still can’t get your account. It is almost certain that facebook disabled your account forever. It is useless to contact them anymore. they don’t care.

How to republished page unpublished by Facebook team?

How to Republished Page Unpublished by Facebook Team 1. Delete all Your Posts 2. Make an Appeal 3. Submit Your Appeal by Filling Certain Credential Here is the appeal format: 4. Check your Page After 72 Hour

How to write an appeal on Facebook page?

Or you can visit this page: Facebook page appeal form 3. Submit Your Appeal by Filling Certain Credential When you will click on the appeal button it will ask you to write an appeal, there are various template appeals available you can change the details and submit it.