Does the issue resolved or is the issue resolved?

Does the issue resolved or is the issue resolved?

too. Both are interchangeable but “it is resolved” is more frequently used. Besides, “before it is resolved” is correct while “before it has been resolved” is unacceptable.

What does issue has been resolved mean?

It means it will resolve itself.

How do you say the issue is resolved?

When you say ISSUE WAS RESOLVED, you mean a particular moment [or, at least a broad idea] when the problem came to be addressed. Thus, this usage would be complete if only you include a time clause to it. For example, you may say ISSUE WAS RESOLVED AT 3 O’ CLOCK. Or, The ISSUE WAS RESOLVED LAST EVENING.

Is fixed or has been fixed?

Technically speaking, “the issue is fixed” means “somebody fixes the issue”. And “the issue has been fixed” means “somebody has fixed the issue”. So, the correct usage in all probability should be “the issue has been fixed”.

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How do you say issue resolved?

For example, you may say ISSUE WAS RESOLVED AT 3 O’ CLOCK. Or, The ISSUE WAS RESOLVED LAST EVENING. This is called SIMPLE PAST TENSE. The simple past tense is used to convey events that got over at definitive moments in the past.

What does resolve our differences mean?

Definition of resolve/settle differences : to stop disagreeing, arguing, etc. (with each other) We need to find a way to resolve/settle our differences.

How do you ask if an issue is resolved?

What’s the best way to ask if an issue has been resolved / things have changed over time

  1. ask a completely new question and risk being closed for exact duplicate.
  2. ask a completely new question referring to the old one.
  3. edit the old question to bump it.

Does resolved mean fixed?

Firm and fixed in purpose; determined; resolute. Resolved is defined as an agreement has been reached. An example of something resolved is when all family members have agreed who will be cooking the holiday meal.