
Can heat set off a grenade?

Can heat set off a grenade?

The explosive filler can be set off by friction, heat, impact, sparks or flame.

What is a potassium bomb?

Potassium chlorate is an odorless white crystal or powder that, when combined with a fuel, forms an explosive mixture. Insurgents in Afghanistan generally pack explosives into plastic jugs used to store cooking oil.

What is the difference between a bomb and a grenade?

As nouns the difference between grenade and bomb is that grenade is (obsolete) a pomegranate while bomb is an explosive device used or intended as a weapon.

Why do grenades have delay?

The spring throws the striker down against the percussion cap. The impact ignites the cap, creating a small spark. The spark ignites a slow-burning material in the fuze. In about four seconds, the delay material burns all the way through.

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Do bananas explode?

A banana, like most other lifeforms, is about 70\% water, and all the potassium it contains already exists in the form of K+ ions dissolved in water. Which is why bananas do not explode in water, or spontaneously combust.

What 3 elements explode underwater?

The chemical elements that explode when water touches them are lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, and cesium.

What does it mean when a guy calls you a grenade?

Grenade: 1) A large, portly woman of an unsightly nature and violent disposition. Tend to gravitate toward the aura of The Situation, and known to throw punches in Snooki’s direction.

What does Gym Tan Laundry mean?

GTL is an acronym that defines a daily ritual of gym, tan, laundry. It originated on the reality television show The Jersey Shore, and is occasionally alluded to in the online “manosphere” or the world of men focused on picking up women. Related words: guido.

Has anyone survived a grenade?

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On November 21, 2010 in Marjah, Helmand Province, Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, U.S. Marine Lance Corporal Kyle Carpenter threw himself upon a grenade, thrown onto a rooftop, to save a fellow Marine, sustaining injuries to his face and right arm and losing his right eye; he survived these wounds …

What is napalm and how dangerous is it?

Napalm is an incendiary mixture of a gelling agent and a volatile petrochemical (usually gasoline (petrol) or diesel fuel).

How do napalm bombs produce carbon monoxide?

Napalm bombs generate carbon monoxide while simultaneously removing oxygen from the air. The air in the bombing area can be 20 percent or more carbon monoxide [source: ]. This effect occurs because napalm partially combusts the oxygen in the air, turning CO 2 (carbon dioxide) into CO (carbon monoxide).

What happens if you take nitroglycerin when not needed?

Taking nitroglycerin when not needed can lead to severe headaches for one. It also could lead to an unsafe drop in blood pressure and can cause tachycardia which is a rapid heart rate, palpitations and fainting.

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Where did the Allies drop the first napalm bombs?

In 1944, Allied forces dropped the first napalm bombs on Tinian Island in 1944, which is part of the Northern Mariana Islands in the northern Pacific Ocean. Napalm devastated Japanese cities, especially since many houses were made of wood.