How high did ww1 planes fly?

How high did ww1 planes fly?

Fitted with a 90-horsepower Curtiss OX–5 V8 engine, the biplane could hit 75 mph and fly as high as 11,000 feet. It had a wingspan of 43 feet, weighed less than a ton fully loaded, and could stay airborne for just over two hours. Most of them carried no weapons and were used solely for training.

What were the dangers of flying during WWI?

Early pilots sometimes carried basic weapons, like guns and hand grenades, and some even dropped bombs and missiles. This was dangerous and it was hard to hit targets on the ground unless the pilot flew very near to the ground. At the same time, aircraft were also fired on by enemy troops and sometimes shot down.

What was the most feared plane in ww1?

But the Allies could produce many more aircraft than the Germans, and they built excellent fighters such as the British Sopwith Camel F-1 — an aircraft credited with more enemy kills than any other World War I counterpart.

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What three types of planes were created in WWI?

As new army branch, aviation developed quickly as its inherent advantages were soon well-understood. Although not as decisive as it was in WW2, aviation saw the creation of the three types we know today: Reconnaissance aircrafts, Fighters, and Bombers.

What was the life expectancy of a WWI pilot?

World War I fighter pilots had a typical life expectancy of several weeks while flying in combat. Several weeks. Not much at all. In terms of flying hours, a combat pilot could count on 40 to 60 hours before being killed, at least in the early part of the war.

Did airplanes give an advantage in ww1?

Due to the static nature of trench warfare, aircraft were the only means of gathering information beyond enemy trenches, so they were essential for discovering where the enemy was based and what they were doing.

Did planes have guns in ww1?

At first most aircraft were unarmed, although some pilots did carry weapons with them including pistols and grenades. These were of limited use, however, as the body of the aircraft itself made it difficult and dangerous to fire any weapons. At the same time crude attacks were made on troops on the ground.

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Did ww1 planes have seat belts?

Yes, rear gunners did use a harness, this consisted of 2 belts attached to the airframe with the opposite ends of the straps clipped on the right and left side of a waist belt that the gunner wore. It did allow enough freedom to stand and move the gun around. Sort of a safety harness more then a “seat-belt”. gavagai …

Why did WWI pilots wear silk scarves?

First World War aircra cockpits were open to the elements and cold winds tended to blow down the neck of pilots’ coats. Rather than wearing a high leather collar to stop the wind, which restricted movement and vision, a pilot would use the silk scarf to plug the gaps around his neck and keep his body warm.

What was the best plane of WW1?

While there are a number of contenders for the best Allied aircraft of the First World War, most aviation experts would agree that Germany’s Fokker D. VII was truly its best, despite having a relatively short wartime career.

What types of planes were used in World War 1?

There were approximately 70 different types of planes in WW1. The Fokker Scourge (a German plane operational from as early as July 1915) was the first fighter plane in history with an “interrupter gear”.

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What was the most effective plane in World War 1?

Fokker DR I The most famous war plane of World War I, this helped German ace pilot Manfred von Richthofen (also known as the ‘Red Baron’) earn 19 of his air combat victories, the last of his kills. It’s a capable aircraft and featured exceptional maneuverability with light and powerful rudder and elevator controls.

How many types of planes were in World War 1?

World War 1 Planes: Facts and Information There were about 70 different types of World War I planes, including fighters and bombers. Manfred Richthofen, also known as the Red Baron, was the leading German Ace, or fighter pilot. He shot down 80 Allied planes, more than any other Ace. World War I planes often fought each other in the air, in battles known as dogfights.

What were the planes of World War 1 used for?

World War I was the first time that aircraft had been used for combat on a large scale. At first they were used mostly for reconnaissance and later for fighting and bombing . There were about 70 different types of World War I planes, including fighters and bombers.